Confession: I find women who are fat, ugly, and/or old disgusting

Spoiler: so do all women behind each other's backs

Crowdsourcing for a new /h/hole

The last few attempts at raising money for a new hole haven't been forthright by their alleged creators, so I have a much better method to get my project up and running.

/h/DeadBIPOCStorage can probably be available within 5-6 weeks if we all pitch in.

I need 5 people to each send me 500 dramacoin. Now, that's definitely not enough for a new hole. That's where I REALLY need your help.

You each need to convince 5 other people to each send you at least 500. Keep 25% of for yourself for your trouble and pass the rest up. If all 5 of you participate, I will send a 1000 DC bonus to anyone who brings in more than the rest, so this is an incentive to not only do your best, but to help your friends fundraise.

Each of those 5 will enroll 5 others (25 in 3rd layer), and each of those will get 5 more (125 in 4th layer). The manager of their groups will need to incentivize and give bonuses to their next layer.

In total we will have at least 156 donors, including myself, contributing.

A portion of this will be used to compensate for your work (25% at it moves up each level) so I won't get the full amount all at once to buy the hole. We will have to do two funding rounds.

What's better though is if we aim high. Why do we need to stop with just one hole?

I say that each donor, including yourselves, should commit to a monthly recurring patron subscription of 500 DC so that we can keep creating new holes and really turn this site around.

Fats are now "Thyroid-Americans"

That is all.

jannies got shoah'd, post cirno

Led Zeppelin 1969, "How Many More Times"

Les Marseyrables -- On My Own

On my own, pretending she's beside me.

All alone, I troll with her till morning.

Without her I feel her paws around me.

And when I lose my way I close my eyes and she has found me.

On Reddit the drama shines like silver.

All the seethe is sneeding in the river.

In the shitposts, the bait is full of starlight.

And all I see is her and me forever and forever.

And I know it's only just a cope

That I'm petting on myself and not on her.

And although I know that she's a meme,

Still I say, there's a way for us...

I love her, but when the night is over.

She is gone, the river's just a river.

Without her I only am a doomer.

The threads are bare and everywhere the streets are full of groomers.

I love her, but every day I'm learning

All my life I've only been pretending.

Without me her world will go on purring.

A world that's full of Marseybucks that I have never known.

I love her.

I love her.

I love her.

But only...

On my own.

Dear rDrama, by the time you read this message

I will be settling down in bed at a reasonable time in order to get a healthy amount of sleep.

mods are asleep let's do a racism
Keep yourself safe with extreme prejudice

She (?) was driving a car. I had no clue they could do that. We had both pulled into the same grocery store parking lot, each trying to get into adjacent parking stalls.

She had to pull in and out of the same stall like an Austin Powers movie. I waited with my blinker on. After a few minutes she figured it out.

I watched her get out. She was about 50 and kind of fat.

The end.

mods are asleep, this is cirno



inb4 :marseyscooter:

@JoeBiden deleted their account

Good he was such a cute twink 🤣🤣🤣

Good beels post ❤️

Doing a late grocery run. I just saw a fat manlet with a "fus ro dah" shirt and a soyjak with a Green Lantern symbol shirt in the next aisle.

I am not them :marseyhappytears:

back dumpster of every corporation on July 1
Saw the new capeshit yesterday

The story opens with the hero watching the blonde love of his life marry her BBC bull in front of all their family and friends. He then encounters a non-binary Latinx interdimensional being named America whose personal universe speaks a language coincidentally identical to our Earth's Spanish. She has been traveling across the multiverse, and even though she has barely been on this Earth for a few minutes, she is sporting an LGBT+BIPOC pin on her denim jacket. They set off on an adventure to find her two moms. As they bound across the multiverse, a hysterical spinster whose biological clock is approaching doomsday tries to kill them to get her anti-patriarchy cookbook back. They meet another universe's Avengers which call themselves the Illuminati. The spinster quickly kills the feeble males with her mind and then engages in a protracted battle with the strong, independent women. They defeat the spinster with the power of love and never find America's two moms.


How was your Friday?


The USA can't even come close to the USSR for mass murdering its own civilians.




Main Post:

husband opened a separate bank account

together for 22 years

we have moved across the country 4 times, always for his job (advancement)

screamed at me about it being his money

currently I’m a SAHM looking for work. apparently that’s my job

It's not like he's going to stop paying the bills, which women always keep increasing, which is why he keeps looking for advancement

Comment section is unilaterally suggesting to lawyer up, hire a "forensic accountant," and then tee-up for divorce because the breadwinner keeps advancing their career to make more and more yet sees less and less

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