Reported by:
  • Chtorrr : Trying to kill the lolcows
  • of_blood_and_salt : bardfinn bardfinn bardfinn bardfinn bardfinn bardfinn bardfinn bardfinn bardfinn bardfinn bardfinn b
  • JoeBiden : 夜の帳に浮かぶ星が嘘の時間をしめした
  • ACA : bardfinn bardfinn bardfinn bardfinnbardfinn bardfinn bardfinn bardfinn bardfinn bardfinn bardfinn b
  • ksg : reeeeeeeeeeee
  • donkeynol_k_roolotyl : hfjrndhhsnendmcoo
  • SN : qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmbardfinn
  • WhiteWolves4Thrills : barf's comment is already long gone fellows
Reportmaxx Bardfinn for saying that school shootings are a government false flag

Credit here:

Links to here:


Republican political philosophy is predicated on stochastically motivating angry men to commit murders, so that they can either intimidate political opponents or motivate their voting base into being aggrieved over the shooter's characteristics, or both.

He's openly saying that the government is intentionally controlling the media and intentionally causing murders to happen to make their own news stories, all to start a race war.

Congratulations and stay on that wagon George!
This is Cirno
Reported by:
  • Pog : Not clicking this
How is your Don't Eat Your Boogers Wednesday going fellas

personally I'm starving

How is your Don't Eat Your Boogers Wednesday going fellas

personally I'm starving


The rest are wh*te.




Open your eyes to the lie you have been living.

Doorknobs. Light switches. Countertops. Bathroom mirrors. Showerheads. Chairs. Sofas. Tables.

The list goes on.

Everything is built to accommodate a 5'0" w*man or a sub-6'0" "man."

Why do we, the most merited and highest paid people, have to bend over (literally) to accommodate for abberations of nature?

After browsing /r/AgainstHateSubreddits and /r/Science I have been come violently radicalized against the dwarven race.

96816 is on record for the most densely populated shawtees. Some of you guys are alright, don't go to Hawaii tomorrow.


Thread got yall'ed.

Synopsis here:

About a week ago I (22) went to the Theater to see the new Doctor Strange movie with my group of friends. My girlfriend (21) doesn't care about these movies at all. She was supposed to go out to dinner with her friends, but the evening was canceled, she wanted to come to the cinema with us.

In the first 30 minutes she filled me with questions about what the heck was going on in the film. Then she started using the phone with the screen brightness on maximum and the ringer on. In the middle of the film she tells me that she is bored and wants to go out.

After a few minutes I feel something pressing on the zip of my pants, and I realize it‘s her hand. Under normal conditions I assure you that I would never refuse a handjob, but at that moment I was very irritated by her and just wanted to follow the film in peace.

She found it silly that we clapped during the best moments of the film and that we had even stood up to applaud in a special scene.

The same thing happened months ago when we went to see spider-man. When Tobey Maguire appeared there was a crazy delirium and everyone got up to applaud and she complained to me "wtf why are people cheering for this dude?"

She hasn't wanted to have s*x with me for a week, because she says I should apologize for the way I behaved.


Optional if you have a link or image.

hey whoa how did I miss this the first time
anyone here wanna radicalize n chill?


Buffalo shooter interview and aftermath
I pledge allegiance

I pledge allegiance to the Marsey

of the disparate groomercords of Dramasphere

and to the old memory from which we began

one dramasphere but not under god because he don't real (tip)

with choochoos and bussy for all

Also if you ain't a Deuxchad you ain't shit so keep yourself safe



this is cirno
Reported by:
Reddit comment section Trucker Convoy, aka Breaking Blebbit

I'm hearing these days that you cannot respond anywhere in a comment thread if a single user within it has you blocked. Botfrens could have fun.

  1. Find the top 100 users of reddit.

  2. Make throwaway accounts.

  3. Block the top users.

  4. Run a bot script to reply to every first-line comment when those users make a post.

  5. The OP can't participate in their own posts.

  6. Peepee.


Dear Admins,

I would like to be a janny. Please allow me tell you why I want to be a janny and why I would be the best candidate.

  1. I share your deep passion for this website. I wake up every day with renewed vigor to see the diversified and high-quality content that rdrama brings.

  2. I value and embrace the culture. We occupy a niche position on the internet and retain a distinct, vibrant culture. No other social media venue does what we do, and this contributes to fostering a healthy environment and diversified discussions.

  3. I respect the userbase and want to contribute to providing them the best experience possible. I feel like we are literally in the same room, sharing IPAs and spinach-artichoke dip with chips, rather than being so far away from each other physically.

  4. I want to combat online misinformation. For too many years internet trolls and hackers have eroded the common trust, to the point that nobody knows what to believe anymore. I will right this wrong, and use this platform to correct the course.

  5. I want to combat online hate and violence. There is no place for hate in this world, neither IRL nor online. THIS ENDS NOW!

  6. I want to empower women, BIPOC, and members of the LGBT+ communities. I will make room and make way for silenced voices. I will give them a megaphone to let them be heard. They will have priority in discussion, and everyone will be encouraged to LISTEN.

Thank you for your consideration.



where my gibs at
Sovereign Citizen Abortion Rights Movement

Larp as sovereign citizens who declare their abortion clinic or mobile abortion RV as an independent country, not subject to US law. Make sure to keep a a gold trimmed flag on display so that you can show you are under Maritime law and you are not in the military and not subject to it.

Operate a nabortion liberation movement and take donations, but only in crypto because you don't recognize USD.

"Organic" vs "GMO" as the new term for women?


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