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/r/catholicism: What are your opinions on project 2025 as a Catholic?




I say this as a 23 year old conservative, Project 2025 is an absolute disaster if it were to be implemented. Sure some of it may be good for society, but overall, it is one big disaster that would only inch America closer to totalitarianism. I've read around 600 pages (I'm bored at work, I get paid to sit around as there is no work to do rn) and for every single good there there's like a million brain dead ideas on governance.

I am a firm believer, but I do not see why EVERYONE should be mandated to have Christian material in their schools. I do not see why abortion should be illegal for everyone, I do not see why ending programs for the poor is a good idea, I do not see how, as a soldier, using the armed forces for domestic protests is a good idea. Religion and government should stay separate.

Don't take this as me being pro on any of these subjects, but rather, one must be mindful that we are sharing this country with other people who don't have our same beliefs. Should we educate others on why certain things are wrong? Sure, but it is not for the government to ENFORCE. Education is for schools, values are for the household. If you want religious education, Catholic schools exist.

One of the most sinister of the proposed policies was putting an end to anti-discriminatory laws that prevented protections of protected classes in federal environments. Really? So now we're going to hate a gay man for being gay? Is that what we've come to? Hate the sin, not the sinner.

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It is going to be a big nothing-burger

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