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How do we feel about Dante?

I've obviously never read it, but I did watch an Italian documentary series! Which then reminded me of Lisetta (AKA "Italian Lisa"). She would occasionally ask for a clarification about exactly how we translated something. Turns out LOL my little neighbor had terminal leukemia the whole time :marseylaugh:. She was so fricking hardcore that she was putting in questions about how to interpret stuff and we didn't notice it was on her deathbead.

Anyway the idea of going on this journey literally to heck and back for the woman that you love, that appeals to me.

The American movie "To Heck and Back" where Audie Murphy stars as himself is pretty good. Probably the best in terms of I'm watching this with my dad and he's saying "yeah, they got that right".

various catholic things

Sometimes people things and you get so goddarn fricking exhauseted and then you realize you can't even walk anymore


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Everyone only ever wants to talk about Inferno but Purgatorio and Paradiso are where it's at in terms of the more interesting discussions. :marseythumbsup: I've brought him up multiple times in the last few weeks when discussing limbo and Heck including earlier today with @Eleganza to explain the process of purgation. Since I'm pinging her, Dante and most medieval theologians would answer no to the fate of the virtuous pagans:

He dies unbaptized and without our faith:

where is the justice that condemns him? where

is his fault if he does not believe?

Now who are you, who wish to sit on the bench

and judge from a thousand miles away, with sight

as short as handbreadth?

To this kingdom no one

has ever risen who did not believe in Christ,

either before or after he was nailed to the wood.

But God only knows. :marseyshrug: (best Beach Boys song other than Pet Sounds stuff and Surf's Up)

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Everyone only ever wants to talk about Inferno but Purgatorio and Paradiso are where it's at

Exactly my opinion. I mean, I've been to heck before. Getting out of it is the interesting part. And his tragic love story that doesn't work when we're trying to do a Quihoxtic thing. :marseysmughipskorean:

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It is true that the figure of the beloved is enriched with symbolic content, but it would be ridiculous to maintain that she is only a symbol or allegory—of what? of faith? of theology? of the vision of God? Only dusty academics could fall for something as abstruse as that. No, the figure of the beloved is a young Florentine girl of flesh and blood. Why should a Christian man not love a woman for all eternity and allow himself to be introduced by that woman to a full understanding of what 'eternity' means? And why should it be so extraordinary – ought one not rather to expect it – that such a love needs, for its total fulfillment, the whole of theology and Heaven, Purgatory, and Heck?

To quote from a Hans von Balthasar essay. I do think it's :marseychefkiss: that Beatrice appears at the top of Mount Purgatory and guides him to Heaven. The most effective symbols are those that are real, and so it goes in matters of faith and love and loss.

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um Seems like a massive case of a solution in search :marseyprostateexam: of problem, and Shes like just a girl and he really :marseythinkorino2: likes her, and What more motivation do you need??? Id consider :marseyhyperthonk: it a little :marseybaby: weird :marseywut2: if a guy didnt have someone he would :marseywood: go to heck and back for

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