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How do we feel about Dante?

I've obviously never read it, but I did watch an Italian documentary series! Which then reminded me of Lisetta (AKA "Italian Lisa"). She would occasionally ask for a clarification about exactly how we translated something. Turns out LOL my little neighbor had terminal leukemia the whole time :marseylaugh:. She was so fricking hardcore that she was putting in questions about how to interpret stuff and we didn't notice it was on her deathbead.

Anyway the idea of going on this journey literally to heck and back for the woman that you love, that appeals to me.

The American movie "To Heck and Back" where Audie Murphy stars as himself is pretty good. Probably the best in terms of I'm watching this with my dad and he's saying "yeah, they got that right".

various catholic things

Sometimes people things and you get so goddarn fricking exhauseted and then you realize you can't even walk anymore


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I actually wanted to read Divine Comedy last year, but due to my laziness I never made it past the (admittedly interesting) translation preamble. Maybe I'll attempt it again soon, but for now I'm ignorant of his works content except the broad strokes.

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