Does Christianity have an explanation for the male nipple?

:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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I read in some pop science shit, this must have been Discover magazine c. 2000, about "scientists" trying to figure out the purpose of the female orgasm. Now I am no s*x guru now and I certainly wasn't then, but I could figure this out in 0.3 seconds:

Why the frick not? What is the evolutionary disadvantage? Male and female genitalia and brains are related. What would kill off the women who have orgasms? And you realize right away, this is people who are coming from a Freudian perspective or some kind of pseudoscience like that where they've got some bizarre dogma that has nothing to do with how evolution works. And they say they're more enlightened than Catholics because they pointed out to Gallileo that there's no sheep on the moon.

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