
Do you ever burn crosses?

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  • Arkham_Knight : Attention whoring blog posting biofoid. Have some shame dramatards
Having A GREAT VDay!

!druggies !boozers

Time to get r-slurred!!



The obesity crisis really is staggering in scale. I wonder how many of the people on Ozempic actually keep the weight off or if they just get trapped in a gain weight -> take drug cycle. And why wont they just do meth instead? Are they stupid? :marseyfacepalm:

Lord knows I'm weak

I remember these really stupid girls in high school saying Sublime was cool because they did drugs. Bradley Nowell had already written a bunch of songs about being a hopeless drug addict and died of a heroin overdose.

It was so absolutely repulsive I can only compare it to the time I saw a cardboard box my cat had slept in a couple weeks earlier and it was full of wriggling flea larvae.


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