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The origin story of Halloween

In 1869 there lived a disenfranchised slave owner who had his rightful property stolen by the government. His name was Jebediah Hallow.

To pass the lonely winter nights, he invented the first Fleshlight by hollowing out a pumpkin, warming the interior with a candle, and carving a hole in the side to frick. He called it his Jack-Hole-Lantern.

As he fell further into poverty and hunger, he hatched a plan to obtain food.

On October 31st at dusk, he stripped naked with only his Jack-Hole-Lantern covering his peepee.

He went door-to-door demanding food scraps or else he would expose his peepee to everyone inside the house.

"Peepee or Treat!" he would demand. Those who were too confused or slow to comply, he would whip out his peepee to the entire household.

"Oh my, I've had to bear the sight of that Old Hallow Ween!" everyone would say.

Jebediah Hallow was able to accumulate enough food to last the entire winter. To confuse his neighbors further he would wear different costumes to disguise himself.

The night eventually became known as Old Hallow Ween night.

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