Thoughts and opinions on Woodrow Wilson?



Famous for being President during World War One and conceiving the League of Nations. I've noticed a lot of people don't seem to like Wilson :marseythonk: Perhaps !nonchuds hate him for racism? :marseyblackface: Maybe !chuds hate him for prototypical globohomo viewpoints? :marseyglobohomo:

What does the educated dramanaut think? :marseyreportercnn: !historychads discuss

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>creates the Federal Reserve

>screens and legitimizes Birth of a Nation as real history (first post-Civil war President from the South btw)

>resegregates the US Army

>drags America into WWI solely to protect banker interests in France I'm only half serious, the Zimmerman Telegram alone was reason enough to declare Total Kraut Death

>nationalizes the railways for the war effort (cringe!)

>tells Ho Chi Minh to frick off and stay France's b-word boy, starting him down the road to being a commie

>gets Spanish Flu and becomes r-slurred during Versailles

>has a stroke and becomes so r-slurred his wife and Chief of Staff take over the Executive

>lasting legacy is returning America to isolationism after winning a world war and the institution he championed failing to prevent another world war

He was a strag, like the other "progressive" Presidents that preceded him

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