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TwoX: I went to my Dr. recently. I said I had been watching what I eat, and she said, off the cuff, "not closely enough". :marseychonkerfoid:


I went to my Dr. recently. I said I had been watching what I eat, and she said, off the cuff, "not closely enough".


I did a double take and laughed uncomfortably. I have been eating nothing but hard boiled eggs and slices of cheese since. It just dawned on me that I haven't eaten anything in 2 days. Welcome back ED! 😁

Look chud, either I stay obese or I fast in the desert for 40 days. Now look what you made me do! :marseyskeleton2:

hard boiled eggs and slices of cheese

also what

I went to the doctor recently and had gained some weight after a really emotional rough year. The nurse took my weight, didn’t tell me what it was, and said “the scales says you’re gorgeous!” And then my doctor didn’t make a big fuss about it and instead relied on actual health metrics like how I feel, blood pressure, and blood work to determine her assessment. You are not the problem. It’s your doctor. It’s this shitty societal norm to have to comment and emphasize other peoples bodies and choices. Please get help. You got this miss girl.

A REAL doctor would never tell me to quit smoking. :marseyindignant:

If that woman doesn't like your body, be the opposite of her. Love the shit out of your body! Spend your next day off pampering your body to signify how much it's actually worth. Nourish your body. Relax into your body. Rub your fanciest lotion into your skin. Wear your most flattering perfume. Cook or order in your favorite meal to show your body you want it to be soft, strong, and healthy. Frick her, your body deserves the best!

"Mommy why does that hippopotamus smell so nice?" :marseywhirlyhat:

This makes me mad and makes me recall why we want low body weight removed from AN criteria.

I will work with people with severe and enduring eating disorders and most have AN but no longer have the low body weight, but they still restrict their eating massively. :marseyhmm:

Please look for a trauma informed doctor

:soyreddit: "NOOO!!!!! STOP DIETING!!! Don't you know it would be dangerous if you were skinny instead of 300 pounds?!!"

I honestly don't know how to search for someone who specializes in trauma. Wtf do I even begin? I honestly had no idea that existed

Google search "trauma informed pcp" and the name of your city or your zip code. Then see if any of the practices that come up are in your insurance network. Good luck!

"I'm sorry, ma'am, I'm afraid the tests came back positive for.... STUNNING and BEAUTIFUL!" :marseysoylentgrin:

:marseyfoidretard: "Thanks, doc."

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Lmao based :gigachadqueen#:

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If that woman doesn't like your body, be the opposite of her. Love the shit out of your body!

This sounds like good advice. Let's see what she recommends. Exercise and healthy eating will surely be in there:

Spend your next day off pampering your body to signify how much it's actually worth.

Kinda fluffy.

Nourish your body.


Relax into your body.

Still not really exercise...

Rub your fanciest lotion into your skin.


Wear your most flattering perfume.

Exercise must be coming soon.

Cook or order in your favorite meal to show your body you want it to be soft, strong, and healthy.

I don't think Doordash will make you strong and healthy. Soft maybe.

Frick her, your body deserves the best!

Oh well.

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Kill your body. Behead your body. Roundhouse kick your body into thr concrete.

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And every fat's favorite: drown your body in fried chicken grease.

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And ranch, gallons of ranch.

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instead of being disciplined and doing healthy activities, endulge and feed your basic urges

:marseychonkerfoid: is a choice

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of course it is, (except for children :marseydespair: ) that's why it's so reprehensible.

Fatoids prefer ruining their bodies rather than eating like a normal human being

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Diet and exercise do not include consumption. Consuming things too improve you're self-esteem is American as apple pie

Bible black lives matter

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Fatties have made me hate the word "nourish" so fricking much

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They use it to mean the opposite of what it actually means and it annoys me so much.

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"Self-care" is another one. The majority of the time, the recommended "self-care" is only a temporary, detrimental escape from your root problems.

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The whole lexicon boils my piss. It's fricking infantile. "Nourish your soft tummy with fluffy deliciousness!"

No b-word, you what you're doing is "stuffing your cottage-cheese gunt."

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Fricking her would be an exercise for your body... cause finding where to penetrate beneath those fat rolls is a journey by itself.

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I have been eating nothing but hard boiled eggs and slices of cheese since.


Anyone remember the Amy Ramadan era where she was "dieting" by eating cucumbers hollowed out and filled with hot dogs? And she'd demolish a pack of Oscar Meyers a day and wonder why she wasn't a skinny legend?

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Hollowing out cucumbers and filling them with hot dogs? holy frick :marseyemojirofl::marseyyikes:

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The chonkerfoid will goa long way to make herself look like she's dieting.

If only she walked a long way instead...

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Maybe you'd have more empathy if you walked a mile in her shoes.

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:marseyno: walked a mile in her shoes

:marseyyes: sat an hour in her chair

Let's be honest :marseynails:

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Those shoes are a marvel of engineering

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Gotta broaden your horizons



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>merifat cuisine be like

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I'm so sad I wasn't into lolcows when keto was first taking off :marseyitsover: the amount of regular fats thinking they'd lose weight shovelling down cheese and bacon with no concern for calories then getting super depressed was already :marseychefkiss:

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Jack Scalfani's "leaning keto" was amazing. Piles of greasy carbs loaded with meat and shredded cheese, but rice, bread and potatoes were basically poison

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Yeah ok buddy, Jack is the pinnacle of health. I'd like to see you survive 15 strokes :marseyindignant:

https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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That's actually a really fair point.

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Keto does work though. Namely because after the first couple of said greasy cheese and bacon meal, you don’t want it again and start lowering your calorie intake out of revulsion.

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out of revulsion

Most people can achieve this feeling looking in the mirror, but if that doesn't work, definitely do keto

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Yeah that's a fricking lie. Kind of a common lie actually, people take what they did one day and pretend that's what always happens.

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If that woman doesn't like your body, be the opposite of her [...] Cook or order in your favorite meal [...] Frick her, your body deserves the best!

become fatter to own the doctors

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Your organs deserve to be choked with fat.

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I shall proudly become the opposite of a doctor who understands what health means :marseyclueless:

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I went to my Dr. recently. I said I had been watching what I eat, and she said, off the cuff, "not closely enough".

Yeah, doctors do generally get annoyed when you lie to them.

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How can you be a doctor to foids if you don't like being lied to

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People who want a doctor to say what they want to hear is nothing beyond delusional. Doctors are also being trained to be massive coddling kitties now as well, so it's based when one breaks the grain.

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I have been eating nothing but hard boiled eggs and slices of cheese since


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>hard boiled eggs and slices of cheese

Misguided attempt at keto?


Also, these bitches never weigh their food with a small kitchen scale you can get for $10

Bible black lives matter

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78 calories per egg, 113 per slice of cheese. B-word probably needs 1100/day to lose weight, so just under 6 eggs + cheese meals a day. Guaranteed she was eating a dozen and a block of cheese

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>:marseychonkerfoid: lies about her diet

:marseymanysuchcases#: (that was the joke)

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Honesttogod some of these girls on 2X could be eating 4000 calories a day and shedding pounds off each day.

What I mean to say is that Redditors are huge

Don't forget to turn off signatures in settings!

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Only a dozen?

Read what I wrote above. Now picture in your head that I put a /s at the end. Good job sweaty! :marseygigaretard:

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Their food won't fit on a small kitchen scale...

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Contemplate the aroma

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L for lazy

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L for large:marseychonkerfoid:

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My chromosomes are extra large. It's genetics :!marseybigbrain::marseychonkerfoid:

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TwoXChromosome = XXLChromosome

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L for Lumpenprole

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hard boiled eggs and slices of cheese

do fatties actually

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Fatties think dieting means punishment so the grosser the diet, the more effective it is. Instead of just eating less goyslop they'll make bizarre, expensive meal plans that keep them hungry, make them feel gross and also blow thru their recommended calorie intake.

After a week of this they'll go on a goyslop and sheetcake bender

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Making sure you're still hungry after you've eaten all your calories is the ultimate bulking technique! Who knows why all women everywhere use it as a diet strategy.

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Eggs are pretty inefficient if you're looking to maximize protein/calorie too though she's just eating cheese so that's obviously not a priority. 13 grams of protein for 100gm/155 calories of eggs as against 20-30 grams of protein for a 100gm/150-200 cal fish depending on species. Chicken breast's similar.

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Yeah, meat is more efficient. Eggs are cheap protein though.

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Fatties would NEVER eat fish or chicken breast

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Chicken cordon bleu maybe

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Slices of cheese are pretty fricking calorie dense. If she thinks thats extreme restriction it's no wonder she's a fricking whale.

Also BASED german doctor.

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>trauma informed PCP

This is some real coddling of the American mind shit.

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actual health metrics like how I feel

Lmfao she literally thinks her feelings are more important medical information than her weight

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Typical foidbrain, feefees > reality

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I’ve been eating nothing but hard boiled eggs and slices of cheese

How many wheels of cheese do you think she eats in a sitting?

I haven’t eaten in 2 days

Didn’t she just say she’s been eating? Or do eggs and cheese not count as food? What else does she not count as food?

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I think the appointment was more than 2 days ago, she started eating this weird diet and then didn't eat at all in the last two days

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didn’t eat at all in the last two days


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She missed second breakfast today that’s basically starving yourself

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If i was a doctor I'd just have a no fat person sign on my door. Whats the point they die early, smelll bad and will talk shit about me to their friends.

Secured my spot as a top 100 most memorable rdrama poster

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No, you wouldn't. You'd make most of your money by "treating" them, because they have an endless list of health problems that require years of medication and no matter how much you'd tell them to lose weight they will never gather the willpower to do so.

They are basically free and easy money bags :marseycapitalistmanlet:

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If i was a doctor i'd have cheatd my way through med school and i'd still be r-slurred. So yes i would.

Secured my spot as a top 100 most memorable rdrama poster

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:#marseyhesright: it's why the medical industry is so gung ho on mutilating kids, its a never ending source of income, at least until they rope.

It never ceases to amaze me with the lengths foids will go to not take responsibility for even their own health.

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Most doctors are paid a fixed salary unless they personally own the clinic or some shit right

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this is why doctors should get paid only as long as you're not sick, not when you get sick. You're incentivizing them to keep you unhealthy

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Fat people are literally free money for doctors. They have a billion diseases and 0 desire to get better

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Based foid doctors


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Slayyyy Kweeeen :marseynails: don't left fatties unshamed :marseynails:

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top comment

Your doctor is a piece of shit. Please eat something. Sending hugs!


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I’m a doctor and how she treated you is not acceptable… You are worthy. You are loved. You deserve to eat. Be kind to yourself! We’re all rooting for you

But why are so many doctors like this?

I agree, ADAB!

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Please look for someone who is trauma informed.

neighbor they doctors

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I went to the doctor recently and had gained some weight after a really emotional rough year. The nurse took my weight, didn’t tell me what it was, and said “the scales says you’re gorgeous!” And then my doctor didn’t make a big fuss about it and instead relied on actual health metrics like how I feel, blood pressure, and blood work to determine her assessment. You are not the problem. It’s your doctor. It’s this shitty societal norm to have to comment and emphasize other peoples bodies and choices. Please get help. You got this miss girl.:

If that woman doesn't like your body, be the opposite of her. Love the shit out of your body! Spend your next day off pampering your body to signify how much it's actually worth. Nourish your body. Relax into your body. Rub your fanciest lotion into your skin. Wear your most flattering perfume. Cook or order in your favorite meal to show your body you want it to be soft, strong, and healthy. Frick her, your body deserves the best!:

This makes me mad and makes me recall why we want low body weight removed from AN criteria.:

I honestly don't know how to search for someone who specializes in trauma. Wtf do I even begin? I honestly had no idea that existed:

Google search "trauma informed pcp" and the name of your city or your zip code. Then see if any of the practices that come up are in your insurance network. Good luck!:

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>"trauma informed pcp"

Anyone who puts these words together in this order is a subhuman.

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I keep coming back to this thread, but another comment from a coping fat r-slur:

I was unable to lose weight despite eating 600-800 calories a day and in excruciating pain. Doctor straight up told me I was lying and just fat.

Yeah, I have celiac disease and had to figure that out on my own.

Hey. I’m trying to understand this comment as someone who has been celiac for a very long time. I thought the reaction to gluten damages the intestinal lining, so it absorbs less and not more of the food they eat. Why would being celiac cause you to gain weight?

I think that most people lose weight but some apperently, from what I'm told, do gain weight because from my understanding our bodies go into peasant mode™️ and store all the fat they can even though they're not neccesarily effectively absorbing nutrients. I think there's a genetic component too because my mom just found out she had celiac also and has always had trouble losing weight before cutting gluten out.

I was also on antidepressants for a while and while I was gaining weight quickly, this seemed to be where I gained the most and the quickest. Combined with GERD and eating something helping with the pain, I did get fat.


doctor straight up told me I was lying and just fat

you literally WERE lying and just fat. I hate these people lol

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Yeah, no fricking way you eat only 600 calories a day and not lose weight.

“Mechanic told me to drive to a quarter tank and bring it in, told my mechanic that I drive 80 miles a day and despite only putting a dollar of gas in a day, my tank went from 3/4 to full. My car must have activated eco mode! Dunno why they think I’m lying”

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>600-800 calories a day


that's about what people in nazi consentration camps got, child.

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Hard boiled eggs is the kinoest gigachaddest diet. Seriously I did an 18 egg daily diet for a couple months and lost 30 pounds. It's still 1440 calories and around 130 grams of protein. Combine that with lifting and farting and you'll mog your coworkers.

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I have been eating nothing but hard boiled eggs and slices of cheese since. It just dawned on me that I haven't eaten anything in 2 days.

Shaming works.

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I have been eating nothing but hard boiled eggs and slices of cheese since. It just dawned on me that I haven't eaten anything in 2 days. Welcome back ED! 😁

Lmfao what the frick :marseyxd:

That's the most r-slurred shit I've read all year :marseyemojirofl:

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>I have been eating nothing but hard boiled eggs and slices of cheese since.

...how much of each, though? :marseynoooticer:

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...for the record: I’m just starting recovery for anorexia, and this post was super triggering. You don’t need to put your intake or what you ate to prove that your ED has got a grip on you. Just a heads up.

Told off for mentioning hard boiled eggs and slices of cheese!

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>Welcome back ED!

lmao foid brains are so damaged they develop ED's from a doctor being frank with them

actually baffling

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Slightly off topic, check out this picture


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the braphog in question. :#marseycringe2:

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That must be a clever angle... doesn't look like a proper brapper

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Surprisingly small double chin

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Thank god for foids, otherwise we could get away with sloppy shit like saying "don't eat too much"

As if it could possibly be known, what amount "too much" represents

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Cook or order in your favorite meal to show your body you want it to be soft, strong, and healthy. Frick her, your body deserves the best!

I fear "the best" may include half a bag of doritos®, a $40 doordash order and a pint of Ben and Jerry's.

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I've never met someone who emphasized the need to take care of themselves who also didnt do a lot of coke and partying. These people are usually already whinging about their late 20s and early 30s being the falling off point of their health because they didnt learn what moderation was until their body failed them.

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Nice post, bro! I posted it to twitter.

TwoX: I went to my Dr. recently. I said I had been watching what I eat, and she said, off the cuff, "not closely enough". https://rdrama.net/h/fatpeoplehate/post/171888/twox-i-went-to-my-dr #WhiteMenCantJump #women #reddit

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just eat some dnp

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>hard boiled eggs and cheese

yeah thats ed

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