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Dramaxros... look at this stupid "tribal" dress I found on Etsy


It's so stupid :marseylaugh:


The ugliest "dress" I've ever seen, it's literally just a useless apron at this point

:marseyspit: wait, people actually want this? :marseyyikes:


if you made it this far, find cringe on etsy and post it


or else

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If a hot woman wears a ragged old piece of material, it looks good, and somehow people will want to buy it.

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she doesn't look hot bc she's dressed like an r-slur

none of the "dress" is "tribal" in away way, especially the back, and the lame triangle pattern on the front does NOT count :marseyannoyed:

I'd maybe have some respect if they incorporated fake leather strips you tie, maybe with wooden beads or some shit. Like "ok, this is thematic lingerie for someone's bedroom grug rp"... that would at least make sense.

--but it's just some form of soulless ugly bra back


I am at least 80% sure these people somehow obtained a rack of XXXXL sized tank tops for cheap and are selling them on etsy as dresses :marseyxd:

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bedroom grug rp


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buy it


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:confused: it's ontologically useless as a dress, because it shows underwear

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Even better


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/r/creepypms tier... this why women don't feel welcome here on reddit :marseycry:

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Left house today on Kellere's drugged recommendation. Sunlight brighter than I remember. Hurts eyes; skin. Paused to examine strange, Marsey-like creature lazing in next door garden, when elderly neighbour greeted me with "Good morning". A good sign: outside people growing increasingly woke on gussy question.

Before returning to attempted categorization of :marseygarden:, took opportunity to ask neighbour his thoughts Re: trains. In response he recommended an autism helpline, no doubt coyly referencing AGP phenomenon. Decided he was too much of a ruqqoid to be worth inviting to rdrama. Perhaps baitable? Will fetch cumjar and return to garden later.





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