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not sure why aevann and carp auto-upvoted this post, but that’s cool i guess :marseylove:

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We autoupvote everything in /h/foid :marseyfedoratip:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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Hmmm... a white woman or a woman who doesn't age, doesn't have confused and spergy western ideas about how romantic relationships are supposed to work, and is way more attracted to me. I wonder which one I'll choose?

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>woman who doesn't age, doesn't have confused and spergy western ideas about how romantic relationships are supposed to work, ...

don't think that really applies for sgp chinx @chiobu s

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Isn't she also an expat? Sounds like the pot calling the kettle Black.

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seems like it, but expat woman tend to date expat man instead of locals.

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And that’s why she made this tik tok to cope

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She is right hohols holes got huge inflation he could get one for cheap

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Lmao, he was just making an excuse.

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i think she’s a legacy foid?

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The dude that wouldn't date the woman in the video.

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lmao seething so hard

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Call me a manchild all you want but this subreddit is a joke.

Yes, I have come from /r/AskReddit, but that doesn’t make my opinions invalid.

First, it’s ridiculous that you guys make it out to seem like you’re an oppressed group.

Your automod message says ‘scalper’ is an ethnic slur and you call yourselves a minority group. Please, I invite you all to look up the definition of ethnicity. It means the state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition. That means national or cultural customs that are passed down from generation to generation. I’d like to hear how you guys fit that definition, I’m sure you can convince yourselves of something. All you’re doing is disrespecting the suffering of actual oppressed groups. If you think ‘scalper’ is on the same level as the n-word, you’re nuts. Plus, if you really thought it were an ethnic slur, you wouldn’t have put it in the name of your subreddit.

I also love how you describe this subreddit as a safe space while all you seemingly do is boast about your enormous profits and gripe about all the “discrimination” you face. It feels a lot like one big circle jerk, not a source of support.

Second, I’d like to point out that people don’t hate you scalpers because of who you are, they hate you because of what you do. Scalping takes the ability to buy stuff away from people who may really want it but can’t afford the prices scalpers charge. Do I want a PS5? Yes. Do I want to spend two or three times the retail price to get one? Not even close. That’s largely thanks to you guys, and that is why people don’t like scalpers. You can choose not to do that, but because you’re greedy and inconsiderate, you won’t. Ultimately, I’m annoyed that you guys scalp, but what I really take issue with is the way you present yourselves; the way you attempt to avoid criticism by fabricating a culture around scalping with the idea that you deserve respect as a minority group. I think you all know it’s BS, but won’t ever admit it.

Of course, y’all are very predictable. I know you’ll call me a manchild simply because you don’t agree with me, claim I’m only jealous of all the money you’re making, and that you’ll try to rationalize and justify your actions like you always do. Be my guest, but I wanted this to serve as a message to all the sane people on this sub.


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