Hard-working Americans take on jeets to see who has worse food.


Many of the responses are your fave meme ones:




Someone brings up how Mexicans invented tequila to avoid drinking the water:




This causes the hard-working Americans to turn on burgs for some reason:





Because this is the internet of course Israel/Palestine has to be mentioned:



And also burg gun crime:



Some widsom for foreigners from a local:



!bharatiya fight each other.

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Indian food is good when non-Indians make it

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Call me a privileged westerner, but my minimum standard is to never consume food that's made on the ground. No weird parasites just yet.

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Yikes this is nutrientphobic. Are you even a level 56 milkers vegan?


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One of my lib friends unironically calls himself a Lacto-ovo-pescatarian :marseypeace:

Imagine being so special and smart you have a 9-syllable diet :marseyjerkoffsmile:

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So whats that, dairy, eggs, and fish?

We already have a name for that it's just "vegetarian" or I guess pescatarian if they eat fish

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At least now you know you can't count on him when fighting raptors, but somehow he still doesn't care for cows much. Being dairy=yes and poultry=no is incoherent unless he got bitten by a cow as a kid.

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Poultry = kinda, so long as you're only eating their periods I guess :marseyshrug:

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from a careful anti animal cruelty perspective eggs are so much more defensible than milk/lacto-anything.

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Ironic that Ian Miles Cheong, a Malaysian twink who probably has a monkey torture ring on the side, posts this shit, but I guess it gets instant engagement from r-slurs so you gotta respect the hustle

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Lol that guy is so unfortunate looking. He evaded getting down syndrome in his brain but still got it on his face.

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Frick hard-working Americans

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Nice try, beaner

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:marseymariachi: :marseytunaktunak: you know it smell crazy in there :marseytunaktunak: :marseymariachi:

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lol all the twitter "Americans" mad because they're Immigrant Indians living in California. I never have gotten sick from food stands in Mexico, I have gotten sick at GoyBurger Express.

Mexicans don't drink tap water, they drink purified water. In Monterrey the water is fine but people in Latin America in general prefer purified water.



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Being close (geographically and yes, even culturally) to Burgerland does have its benefits :marseymariachi:


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Mexicans don't drink tap water, they drink purified water.

Translation : our water is so bad it needs to be purified.

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How dare you not want microplastics and fluoride in your water, chud! Delicious Pennsylvania tap water with extra minerals

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Your purified water comes in a plastic bottle. The filters are housed in plastic. You use a plastic cup. But go off r-slur.



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I 💗 estrogen

This guy doesn't drink steam distilled water out of glass bottles, ngmi

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i drink out of water put in plastic bottles in Mexico

Lmao yeah you're definitely avoiding micro plastics.

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Wow nice hasbara, I didn't say that

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i did say that

I know

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How can one bite of food immediately frick him up? Doesn't it take 12-24 hours for food poisoning to take hold?

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I've had bad reactions where onset only took like 2 hrs and some 24 hrs ones. The longer ones being more awful. For a reaction this quick, bad and prolonged after almost immediate vomiting that must've been a spectacular cocktail of biochem horribleness.

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If you immediately get food poisoning after eating, it's pretty serious

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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That one bite was 50% feces by volume, you think it'd take your body 12 hours to realise something is wrong if you took a big heaping chomp out of a pile of dog shit?

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Unfortunately the hard-working American has been weakened due to his spanish blood.

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Mexican food is the only foreign food we haven't been able to improve on by Americanizing it. Texmex and Calmex great, but still markedly inferior (though some of our creations rule). But I don't think anyone has ever accused Mexicans of having bad food.


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Uhh get fricked fishman


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California has never improved anything ever

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I would say Silicon Valley and its many spawn, but the Information Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race :marseycaveman:

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No one accuses Mexico of having bad food. They manage to be fatter than us

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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Maybe its a jungle hard-working American thing lol.


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That was a fine image selection, sir.

That will be 1.654e45 Argentine Pesos please

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:marseypoor: :marseystocksupdown:

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You ever been to chipotle or Taco Bell? We fricking crushed 'em bro. Just the constant use of the corn tortilla puts them miles behind us.


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>t. White person

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I strongly prefer corn tortillas :marseyglancing:


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It has the texture of sand. I can even get the things to stay intact while using them. #TeamFlour


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you're eating them raw, aren't you...

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you gotta cook them neighbor

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Cooked or uncooked, it doesn't make a difference, they break apart.


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Reheat them in a pan or griddle with butter :taycringe:

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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*with lard. :marseychonker2:

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Do you not have Old El Paso over there? I've never been to Mexico but I doubt it can get better than that.


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lol I salute the merchants who were able to convince proles to buy a stale tortilla in a box with a few ketchup packets

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Umm you get seasoning mix too and you can buy the Old El Paso guacamole too and know that it will be compatible.

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Das ryte, can't eat no food wifout powerded seasonin, daggone pipo be just cooking they meat wif garlic and sheitttt

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We have that brand but we don't have the extra mild flavor, which we make fun of you for having



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Even their hot one doesn't have much flavour so I have no idea what the extra mild one tastes like.

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Newport Style

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mexicans think adding salsa is spicy so this is inevitable

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We have:

Tap water schizos

Palestine supporters

Rich or delusional Mexicans

Angry Indians

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Everyone's angry! :marseyembrace:

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