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Smoked some Wagyu Beef ribs yesterday

Also did a blue cheese and bacon salad with a simple red wine vinagerette, some roastie potatoes, and smoked sweet corn salad with a cilantro lime dressing


Not a lot of drama cause everyone agrees this is not bussin at all.

This is Schwabphohic chud:


Seems like bipocs are divided on the (((onion))) issue -

In this economy we eat the everything on the plate:

Might as well eat dead old folk at this point:

Tbf it was only a matter of time before this got bought up:



!goyslopenjoyers !sodadrinkers

Polish Easter food.

My aunt gave me some leftover food from Easter and I wanted to share some of the finest Polish cuisine with people from around the world, and no better place to do this than this cosmopolitan platform.

So, here is traditional Polish Easter cake the Mazurek:

I'm pretty sure it is Mazurek with almonds, rains and... stuff.

Of course that's just the dessert. I also got traditional jars of meat:

It is indeed real meat. I emptied one of the jars into a bowl so you can take a better look:

It's not yet heated up so forgive the floating clumps of fat, but you can tell its fine meat indeed.

I also had a cheesecake, but sadly no pictures, I ate it already because it actually looked edible.

Well, that's it. It may not be much, but I'm sure those pictures say a thousand words each. I do hope I didn't make any of you too hungry.

Anyway, I'm off to eat some of these delicious specialities, it's not everyday I get to dine on such fine food. I sure love getting unidentified leftovers.



Tastes amazing. Just love going down my local Chinese owned, Korean employee sushi joint and getting some takoyaki skewers.

I forgot about my sourdough starter and left it in the fridge for over 6 months.

Just like cast iron, redditors are way too precious about this stuff.

EFFORTPOST :marseyitsoverwerebackchingchon: chiobu's Silky Cantonese Congee recipe - comfort food for the winter :marseyill:

When it comes to comfort food, congee (or rice porridge) is one of my favourites. It used to be poorcel food when people didn't have enough rice, since cooking rice in a lot of water would make the end product appear a lot more filling to the poorcels :marseychingchongpearlclutch!: Because of this it's considered a taboo to have it during the Lunar New Year because it's unlucky or something like that, however in modern times you'll find that the humble dish is often elevated with expensive ingredients like abalone, dried scallops and whatnot :marseyjewoftheorient!:

Having said that it's still more common to find it paired with more common ingredients like shredded chicken, minced pork, sliced fish and century eggs because we're a :marseyjewoftheorient: bunch who might just want an affordable and yummy meal :marseylickinglips: For the Chinese there are generally 2 types of congee or porridge, one would be the Teochew version that's basically just water in rice, and the other would be the Cantonese version that's silky and thick, and we will be focusing on the latter version because that's the one I like :marseylickinglips:

While I'm aware of the fact that there are no winters in Singapore and it's hot as heck, it's still a popular dish here especially for breakfast. You'd see long queues and long waiting times at the popular outlets here everyday still, so I can only imagine and be envious of how nice a warm bowl of congee during a real winter :marseycry:

The recipe I'm using is for the plain version of it without meat or anything so it's up to your imagination what you want to pair it with. The usual salt and pepper seasoning would probably work with most types of meat that you'll just dunk in the pot when it's 10ish or so minutes before the congee is done cooking.

Ingredients are simple:

  • Rice (any type is fine but Thai Jasmine rice probably works best IMO)

  • Water (I use a 8:1 water to rice ratio because I like it thiccc but you can use more water if you prefer)

  • Ginger

  • Spring Onions

  • Cilantro/Coriander Leaves

  • Chicken Stock/Bouillon

I've not listed the amount you'd need because in :marseychingchong: cuisine we would usually just eyeball an amount that's required according to our preferences lol, but if you really need a visual guide here's the amount of aromatics/garnishes that I've prepared for a serving of 2-3 bowls of congee. Ignore the dried scallops because I don't know how accessible they are to get for westoids and they're expensive, but if you're able to source for it then go for it I guess (crush the dried scallops into smaller pieces, soak it for 10 minutes, use your hands to shred them even more before finally dunking them into the pot 10 minutes before the congee is done)


1. The trick to getting your congee silky and thick is that the rice grains need to burst or something like that while cooked, so we will be soaking the rice in water first to get that effect. Rinse the rice 2-3 times first before soaking it in water for 3-4 hours (it probably doesn't need to be this long idk). Some of the recipes I've seen say that it's not necessary to soak the rice grains if you use the right type of rice, while others would instruct you to freeze the rice the night before. They might be right so you could try it if you're short on time but I'll be doing the trad way of soaking the rice so don't @ me if it turns out bad using the other methods :marseybottom:

2. Once you're done soaking the rice, boil water that's 8 times the amount of rice you're gonna cook, but it's really up to you if you want to add more water later if you don't like it to be too thiccc :marseykween: Once it boils I'd toss a couple of chicken bouillon cubes and stir until it's dissolved. Canned chicken stock or powder would probably work too but bouillon cubes are just more convenient IMO. They look like this if you're confused:

3. Throw the rice in and stir for it for a bit like 10-20 seconds and then leave it to cook for approx. 25 or so minutes without touching what's in the pot because apparently that helps the rice not to stick to the pot or something like that

4. Once 25 or so minutes are up, whisk the rice in the pot for 2-3 minutes until you can see it getting thicker

5. The dish is technically done after you're done whisking but I like it really thick so I'd leave it to cook for another hour or so, but I would add in the ginger and any meat/fish/seafood accompaniments 10 minutes before the hour is up and stir it around for a bit, it's really a preference and time thing. This is the thickness of my congee at the end of it all:

6. Garnish it with spring onions and cilantro/coriander leaves and you're done! The yellow/golden things are dough fritters (Chinese churros I guess) which go perfect with congee and I personally love to spice it up by dousing a lot of pepper in it :marseylickinglips:

It might look plain and boring but because the rice grains have burst they absorb the flavours of the other ingredients cooked along with it, which in this case would be the chicken bouillon and dried scallops, so it's a real burst of flavours happening when you take a mouthful of congee. Furthermore it's easier to digest than normal cooked rice so it's the dish you usually see asians serve to people recuperating from illnesses or something like that :marseymaidchingchong:

!jannies please pin effortpost :marseybegging:

:marseygrilling2: :marseywave2:


boymoder bread

recipe on soon (maybe tonight (maybe tomorrow))

Smoked some lobster tails yesterday.

Used cherry wood for mild sweetness. Finished by basting with a mixture of butter, garlic, lemon juice, parsley, and Parmesan cheese.

It was pretty good, if I had to do it again I would've smoked for longer at a lower heat.

McDonald's Surf & Turf: a goyslop return to form

!goyslopenjoyers run, don't walk to maccas for the Surf & Turf burger. The west may have fallen but goyslop is healing. The days of "healthy" offerings are hopefully behind us, and no longer will we be sold grilled chicken wraps and other hippy garbage.

This burg is peak slop, pinnacle of American innovation. TWO beef patties on a classic bun sandwiching a fish filet, pickle and cheese.

The placement of the patties both above and below the fish was a brilliant move (my burg differed from the one pictured). The pickles add a much needed tang to the fish, which is in itself delectable. Finished off with a garnish of ketchup and mustard, who could possibly ask for more? It's the first time in ages a maccas burg left grease on my fingers. 11/10 :marseylickinglips:


We've already established that Starbucks employees hate their customers in classic rdrama posts like:

This week's rant comes from /u/Jewicer, who's unhappy about customers who complain when she doesn't bother to even say hello to them. She also rants about customers who don't say hello to her, so I'm not really sure how she hasn't managed to figure this one out yet.

I open 5-6 days a week and 95% of people coming in before 7AM do not say hi, do not say thank you, do not acknowledge us WHATSOEVER even if we literally place the drink directly into their hands.

Most of the time I am solo-barring and am clearing out 5 or so drinks every few minutes. People will see me struggling and still not acknowledge any efforts.

It's're WELCOME for making your stupid butt drink! And HELLO, mf! Idc if you haven't gotten your coffee. I'm tired too! Who raised yall??? And then they get mad when we don't acknowledge them, greet them, say their names. Same people who I've "served" forever and have never said a word want to complain on google reviews. We're not robots! Literally makes the job so freaking miserable and then we get b*tched at for not connecting with customers. I don't like yall! No one does! Entitled asses.


No matter how I'm greeted at the speaker I always say good morning/afternoon and ask how they're doing today. I can't tell you how many times their voice and demeanor totally changes. It costs nothing to be nice and you never know how it impacts their day. ☺️

[OP] that's great, but asking that and then being completely ignored makes me violent


After many years I understood my morning customers and realized they didn't want small talk that early. Anyone before 7am got the bare minimum from me. Maybe a half smile and a nod.

[OP] saying thank you isn't small talk. i don't want to talk to them either

It might be time for a new job my dear!

The ones that come in don't acknowledge us and went straight for the washroom then get mad when the washroom is out of order..those the worst

What do you want them to say? "Hello don't mind me while I shit in your bathroom while not ordering anything"

Finally a non-Starbies employee /u/Inevitable-End-7957 decides to start a fight and for some reason hasn't been banned yet:

When people come in and ignore my greeting to go straight to the bathroom, I go “oh do we know the code to the bathroom or are we not saying hello?” Then they either sheepishly say hi and ask for the bathroom code or get annoyed.

[/u/Inevitable-End-7957] And then you expect a tip on that $6 drink and I happily say no

.....we don't expect anything? just customers being good humans, is that too much to ask?

[/u/Inevitable-End-7957] Yes! So if a customer walks in and needs to use the bathroom, but doesn't hear a worker's greeting, they have to be subjected to that persons passive aggressiveness?

Maybe they have a hearing impairment. Maybe they about to sh!t their pants lol

Just because you assumed doesn't make it fact. Heres an idea. Be nice, say “if you're using the bathroom, you will need the code”.

Don't speak to someone in riddles and say they are sheepishly coming back.

But then, that might be too much to ask…or just some of that good human stuff

🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓 please keep giving sbux your money so you can pay for our college tuitions ^.^ we dont care if you tip or not, thanks NPC!

[/u/Inevitable-End-7957] Hahah. More than happy to help you with that liberal arts degree

imagine dissing someone for getting an education lmao. there's actually a ton you can do with a liberal arts degree, maybe you should google it before you act so condescending


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  • breakcore : that is shit from a butt
  • Healthy : *Zooms in on countertop reflection* get granite-doxxed
Boymoder chocolate cake :3

recipe at

My review of Panera and the Unlimited Sip Club.

I got a free 2 month trial of Panera's Sip Club they are constantly shilling and I have opinions about it. I was planning to send this as feedback for the survey they send me via email almost every visit, but these frickers are so cheap you don't get anything for filling it out. Might as well get some DC instead.

The main problem with this whole thing is that the drinks at Panera just aren't very good. The quality of all the drinks (most of them!) I've had are middling at best. That immediately sets this thing up to fail, it doesn't matter how many options or how cheap the club is if the drinks aren't worth drinking.

The other main problem is that the selection is weird. There are a bunch of items, but they are almost all the same type of product with very few exceptions.

They may have 25 items, but let's break them down so you can see how little meaningful variety there is:

  • Only 4 of those drinks are caffeine free, and 1 isn't available after 2 PM.

  • 4 coffee options, but 2 of those aren't available after 2 PM (including the decaf!)

  • If you want iced coffee, the dark roast is your only option, no decaf, hazelnut, or light roast.

  • The hot tea has many flavors (6), but they only list the ingredients of the Br*tish Breakfast and they all taste pretty similar.

Another issue is the warped sense of value, they market it as "once you get 4 drinks, it pays for itself". However the drinks are an overpriced ripoff without the sip club, soft drinks are $3.19! If you pay that much for a soft drink, you might be r-slurred. This is the only place in town that serves soft drinks for anything over $3, and most places have a much wider selection of sodas. The coffee is $2.89 which isn't bad, if it wasn't gas station quality... None of the drinks they offer as part of the club are worth more than $2. This means you'd need to get 6 drinks a month to make it worth getting.

The frustrating part is they do offer some other nice interesting drinks, but they aren't part of the sip club. I understand why, they cost more to make, but they should have an option to get them for at least discounted. Even better would be making them free, but no refills, or even only allowing someone to claim 1 a week. Any of these solutions would allow someone to get these nice higher quality drinks as part of the sip club, without causing Panera to lose tons of money.

Also corporate has mandated that you get the cups with your order. They used to be right near the counter, however now they have to serve the empty cup with your food. This is brain dead. The time it takes to actually get the drink means your food is getting cold while getting your drink. It also means you can't enjoy your drink while waiting for the food, which takes time. This means the best way is to place 2 separate orders, one for just the drink first, and then another for the food. I don't need to explain why this is stupid. It also doesn't help that the app is slow as shit.

The program has one potential saving grace, the coupons. The idea is that every Saturday (and other days randomly) you get a coupon, not bad right? The problem is most of them suck; from a pathetic $2 off a Pick Two, to "Buy One Get One 50% Off" entrees, few are worth using. This means I usually just end up getting the Value Duets and using the entree coupons on them, as they are the only items that aren't a rip-off.

If Panera wants this to actually go somewhere it needs to do any one of the following:

  • Reduce the cost of menu items to make eating here a better value.

  • Make the coupons better, they don't need to be Burger King good, just better than what they are now.

  • Allow the Sip Club to be used on premium drinks, whether that is only a discount, free with no refills, only so many a month, or some combination of those restrictions.

  • Add more self serve drinks, specifically more soda and decaf options. Pepsi Zero, different Mt Dew or Pepsi flavors, fruit juices, iced decaf (and make the decaf coffee all day please!), and non caffeinated still lemonades would all be fine additions.

Note, it doesn't (nor should it) do all of these, that's unreasonable. However if they did even one of these it would be worth keeping the subscription. As it stands after my subscription ends, I don't plan to ever go back to Panera unless they fix the Sip Club or lower prices.

Also this is a small little tangent, but holy shit do a lot of the stuff they serve have too much sugar. All but 1 dessert item has more than 20g of sugar, and many are around ~50g! Also excluding the drinks that have 0g of sugar, most are around 50g a serving, I don't want to know how many people get refills on these... This place is one of the unhealthiest for desserts where I live, most donut places are much healthier! Kinda wild, it's not like the desserts really sell, so I'm not sure why they do this.

I am curious to see if other people view Panera differently these days so I'm going to make a poll. Do you go to Panera?

veggie burger :marseyliberty:
Having a light snack this evening

Chicken with Pears


Seared tuna for dinner

What the heck kinda racism is this:

Obviously a Russian psyop to turn the world against Africa:


At least it's organic unlike burgslop:

Check quote tweets for more.

Biscuits shouldn't be flaky

After years of Big Biscuit pushing super flaky biscuits on the American public, I had a crumbly type biscuit for breakfast this morning. The inside was so tender it made me cry.


What am I supposed to eat with chicken wings now?

Kazakh kids does a pizza for Ramadan

With pork :marseyxd: he also hides it

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