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Couldn't incels just claim to be acesexual for lgbt brownie points?

I didnt know what acesexual is so I looked it up and its literally just being a incel. you could totally just claim to be ace and get everyone to love you and even to get jobs. I see no way this could fail.

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you might get r*ped

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Dont threaten me with a good time!

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Yes, asexuals are just left wing incels.

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No because a common thread among incels is a desperation to get laid. The facade will wear thin the second a simpable woman appears

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Could make :marseyyarn: up something like "agamosexual" (Greek for celibate :marseybetauprising: becauae I know :marseyshutitdown: the LGBTQ :marseyprideflag: like to use Greek)

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The issue with asexuals is that people tend to still find them weird/creepy. The asexual community also issued literally zero backlash against the "gray ace" (I.E Tumblrsexuals) movement that basically made their entire community and sexuality into a giant joke.

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It’s not a sexuality, it’s just coping badly with being r*ped.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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I doubt they care about lgbt brownie points

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@CallyMcCool what do your people think

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Chuds can LARP all they want, Incels :marseyitsover: arent asexuals and never :marseyitsover: will :schopenmarsey: be.

Asexuals never :marseyitsover: feel sexual attraction and dont give :marseyitsover: a shit :marseypajeet: if they donΒ΄t get laid. Incels :marseyitsover: certantly do but say Β¨haha I never :marseyitsover: wanted s*x anyway take :marseyfry: that foid!11!!Β¨ because theyΒ΄re whiny misogynists, who did nothing to get g/bussy. Atleast some acechads can get a date. incels :marseyitsover: need to stop appropriating asexuality.

With that said, chuds who deny :marseyno: asexuals exist at all and call :marseyphonecall: them cowards, r*pe victims, or incels :marseyitsover: (because aphobes are too cumbrained to fathom the idea of someone not feeling sexual attraction) are only feeding :marseybreadcrumbing: the incel :marseyelliotrodger2: delusions. It makes incels :marseyitsover: think its okay to rebrand themselves as something more acceptable. Incels :marseyitsover: would murder :marseyshooting: an acefoid because she wouldnΒ΄t have s*x with him

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A good :marseyaward: chunk of asexual :marseyaceofspades: people are just :marseyblops2chadcel2: coping :marseycopeseethedilate: (very badly).

>no no I totally don't want to have s*x :#marseyseethe:

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you think that bc youre too cumbrained to fathom the idea of someone not wanting to have s*x.

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I'm pretty :marseyglam: low libido myself :marseypain: and have denied :marseyno: s*x on several occasions and still wouldn't classify myself :marseycyanide: as asexual, it's pure COPIUM.

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well :marseyclapping: i have no s*x drive, am unable to experience sexual attraction, and have zero interest in s*x because of such. I feel the title ¨asexual¨ fits me well. What :marseywtf2: is there :marseycheerup: to cope :marseymalding: about when I have absolutely no such :marseymanysuchcases: urges or feelings to begin with?

The people that say asexuality is a phase, and there :marseycheerup: is no such :marseymanysuchcases: thing, are just :marseyblops2chadcel: those that can't wrap :marseyburrito: their minds around the fact that for a population as big as humanity's (Around 7 billion), that there :marseycheerup: is a small :marseytiny3: portion that don't find attraction in others by a purely physical nature.

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Do you not have s*x at all or are you one of those people who say they're asexual but still frick random strangers 2 seconds after they say they have "no s*x drive"

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i dont have s*x at all

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Oh no, I believe one every million :marseysamhyde: "asexual" actually :marseyakshually: experiences some sort of mental :marseytherapist: illness :marseybedsick: that makes them have no s*x drive. Other than that it's literally badly coping :marseycopeseethedilate: incels :marseyitsover: and attention-whoring thots.

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They already do

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Incel moids aren't about to convince themselves that desexualisation is somehow virtuous or admirable, unlike our NB sistren.

This 'asexual' identity in its modern form seems to be an overwhelmingly female thing to strive for. Escaping misogyny, trauma and the throes of female puberty by effectively 'neutering' oneself. :marseyscared:

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