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I've been sticking 30 septims up my butt for the past 11 eras. That's 30 a day, 210 septims a week, 10920 septims a year. To date, that's more than 120120 septims. Eight times the population of Elsweyr. Those septims were in my butt! You think you're better than me? Oh, you're not better than me. You handle my butt septims every day. You pick up my butt septims for good luck. You throw my butt septims in fountains and make wishes on them. You give my butt septims to beggars to buy skooma with. You handle my butt septims every day. All of you! You ALL handle my butt septims! Oh, I'll laugh at you before you can laugh at me. Because your septims have been in my butt.
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So now you guys get me instead. Honor to the sixth house and hustle to all the nwahs.
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- eva_isachud : who tf exiled me from chudrama
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The Oprichniki of Ivan The Terrible carried severed dog and wolf heads attached to their belts while riding black war horses in all black clothing to simulate the hounds of heck hunting Ivan's enemies (the Normie and Turk )
In Tamriel Rebuilt the Haafinmanmar are recruited from scum and former loyalists of Potema the Necromancer Wolf Queen. In their shadow war for dominance of Solitude they still wear Potema's colours proudly with a quiet hatred of the Empire
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Giant snails found in the Bjoulsae regions of High Rock and Hammerfell. (Bjoulsae Basin and Dragonfields)
Basically the margin art of medieval manuscripts writ large and lifelike. These beasts are often farmed or used as pack animals by merchants on the roads. Dangerous "dragon snails" are larger and can be found as hostiles in the wilderness.
Concept art by Aldergo
Woolly centipedes are huge, heavy creatures used as caravan/pack animals by the residents of the wider Reach and Wrothgarian mountains. They are commonly kept by orcs and reachmen, but also sometimes by Bretons as well.
Ingame, the woolly centipedes will be activators used for travel, like the Silt Striders in morrowind. There is no need to give them walking, combat, or death animations; just some idle movements and maybe a couple of body position variants (curled up vs extended etc).
Concept art by Ateiggaer, heavenlee, ThomasRuz, pickles, and banvivirie.
WIP .blend by Cameron, retopologized. MammaHyena was working on the texture. Animations still needed.
- SixthEggnog : Kill them
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