Puerto Rican median voter chad :marseyretardchad: saw the Trump's garbage truck photo-op and thought he was mocking Puerto Ricans causing him to vote early for Kamala :marseyxd:




In case you missed it:

>Random comedian during a Trump rally calls Puerto Rico a garbage patch :chudspin:

>Biden said "these people are garbage" :gigabiden:

>Trump wanted to mock Biden's "basket of depolrables" moment

>Cue: Dukakis-tier photo-op :marseytank:

Who the frick thought this was a good idea lmfao

Me about his campaign officials last month:

Trump is a narcissist who, ever since he took over the GOP 8 years, ago reshaped the party in his image. This is probably good if you're an Iraqi child, but bad for his own reelection propects since he doesn't give a shit about anything other than complete obedience. Say goodbye to competent ruthless campaign officials like Karl Rove and Lee Atwater, say hello to Bogdanova, Tulsi "Less than 1 percent" Gabbard and whichever one of his dimwit sons is not currently hunting another species to extinction in Botswana.

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This is really helping the case that they aren't r-slurred

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