

Months after the sudden disappearance of everyone's most irritating relatives :marseydisintegrate:, newly minted Christian Rayford Steele :marseyplanecrash: attempts to convert his millennial daughter Chloe :marseyfoidretard: to the Christian faith. Meanwhile, Chloe's boyfriend Cameron "Buck" Williams :marseytucker:, the host of cable television's most obnoxious opinion program, stumbles across evidence that the elite :marseymerchantelf: is lying about the covid rapture numbers.

Soon Buck discovers a plot to exploit everyone's fear and anxiety to establish a one world government, one world currency, and universal social credit system, all under the control of incredibly uncharismatic Antichrist Nicolae "Jetty" Carpathia. :marseyzelensky:


It's hard to explain what makes something look like a "real movie," but this looks like a real movie. The shots are well composed and the color grading feels cinematic without looking artificial. The interiors are gloomy and lived in, while the streets capture a sense of urban blight and despair. Everything feels like a run-down shithole. Finally Detroit's filmmaking tax credit is paying off. :marseypoor:

The script also makes major improvements to the novel. The book's biggest flaw was failing to connect the Antichrist plot to the Rapture plot--in the book, the one world government emerges simply because that's the kind of thing those people do. The movie, meanwhile, draws the obvious connection of authoritarians seizing power in a crisis. :marseyhomofascist:

The down side of this is that the whole thing is obviously an extremely hamfisted covid metaphor rushed through production during the coofdemic. And because fundamentalists don't understand subtext, covid gets mentioned by name multiple times so you'll be sure to connect the dots. Aside from the name drops it's just a general pileup of every current rightoid grievance with a loose coat of Bible prophecy paint. :marseyschizowall:

  • The government fakes additional rapture-like disappearances and tells non-essential workers to stay home (?).

  • All of the stats about the vanishings come through a single company called "Dominator Analytics" :marseynoooticer:

  • All media outlets, social media, and payment processing systems are owned by the same globalist billionaire who wants to take over the world

  • The protagonist googles "Bible prophecy" and all the videos have been removed for violating the "terms of service." Then he gets his account suspended for unspecified violations (yes jannies got called out in a rapture movie) :marseyjanny:

  • Anyone who catches onto all of this gets the :marseyhillarybackstab: treatment.

Actual dialogue

  • "It's like, everybody knows there was a second wave, but nobody's actually seen it happen." :marseychud:

  • "Welcome to a new reality. A Great Reset." :marseymerchantelf:

  • "I think these new vanishing counts that we now proudly display on every broadcast are probably fake." :marseytucker:

  • "The Rapture wasn't debunked. Someone on TV told you it was debunked and you believed them." :marseyschizotwitch:

  • [Of the Antichrist] "I haven't seen anything like this since Obama." :marseybipocrentfree:


  • They didn't have the rights to the UN logo (?) so they made their own version with the map at the wrong projection

  • The whole thing is narrated by a lispy black guy who's still delivering exposition well past the one hour mark :marseylongpost:

  • This is in the Left Behind (2014) continuity, not the Left Behind: The Movie (2000) continuity. Note that both series recast between every movie. Nic Cage was too expensive so they got church basement DVD actor Kevin Sorbo to be Rayford Steele instead.

  • Somebody vandalized a church by scrawling "SCIENCE!!!!" on the wall :marseyweeb:

  • The filmmakers either forgot or retconned that literally all children canonically vanished. The world should have freaked out a lot harder; instead they act like this was maaaybe 3x as bad as covid :marseynothingburger:

  • One character is killed by a car bomb (with flashing lights, which is just sitting in the back seat of the car that the protagonists were just riding in and they didn't notice) that goes off only after the other characters have already left the car :marseyakbar:

  • The movie ends with the Antichrist shooting people gangsta style :marseydynamite:

  • One scene after characters discuss the importance of faith even in times of doubt, they dig up the dead grandma's coffin to prove that her body vanished and the rapture was real :marseygravedance:

Overall this is still an objective improvement over both previous LB adaptations. However, nothing will top the fever dream charm of the classic 80's budget rapture movies. IMO this kind of movie actually gets worse when you do it well. You lose the clumsy earnestness and are left with smugness. !christians

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Weekly "What are you watching?" Thread

Yes, it has been 1 week since the last thread. Don't question me.

What have you kinosseurs been watching? How was it? Tell us! :marseytrollcrazy:


Wonka (2023) - Saw this one with my mom. It's a really cute family movie! Admittedly there are some deeply Marxist messages, but nothing more than intersecting the convergence of religion, commerce, and police state to protect capital and subjugate workers. Honestly didn't expect to like it, but I couldn't stop smiling. Twinky Tim is really great in this.

Chinatown (1974) - Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown :marseydepressed:. A classic noir starring (arguably) the best actor of all time, Jack Nicholson. Why did I wait this long to watch it? I though it had Chinese people and avoided it.

THX 1138 (1971) - George Lucas movie which came out 6 years before Soy Wars. Experimental and esoteric scifi (corpopunk?) dystopian movie about drugged sexless humans working in robot factories, slowly regaining humanity. I see what it was going for. Sci-fi bros can't stop jerking off over this, but it was ok. Maybe if you never read book and were in a dorm room in 1997-2009 and this hit your brain, you'd feel like you took a redpill idk.

Dream Scenario (2023) - Nicholas Cage in an A24 movie about a boring evolutionary psychology professor who suddenly starts appearing in people's dreams. He becomes a viral sensation and his life pays the toll. Story explores the theme of regular people stumbling into viral relevancy and the toll it takes on their lives, even when they have pretty much done nothing wrong. Decent laughs and Nic Cage makes a coom face.

Napoleon (2023) - Goddarn this movie was some garbage lmao. Only saving grace was Vanessa Kirby mogging the planet. Napoleon simps so hard he destroys the continent for she :marseynapoleon2:. Also wildly historically inaccurate.

Dave Chapelle: The Dreamer (2023) - This one was decently funny. His last special, Dave Chappelle: The Closer (2021) where he just ranted about :!marseytrain:s. Funny blowback, but unfunny show. This new one was actually pretty funny. Unfortunately he ended it with a really gay like 10 minute stool speech about chasing your dreams.


True Detective: Night Country - LOL

Reacher - (spoilers, but this show is r-slurred so who cares) Basically his Le Special Investigators Unit did like 3 months on a case 11 years ago and they immediately became family??? Frick this was a mid season. Go back to a small cast and beating up goons in small towns.

The Terror - Just started this one. In episode one, the guys who play Brutus and Julius Caesar in Rome are in a scene where someone talks about "Crossing the Rubicon" :marseysoypoint: Show is pretty good though, will stick with it.

Curb Your Enthusiasm - With news that the new season will also be the last, I am in determined to catch up in time. Just started season 6 when the black family moves in. Already funnier than like all of season 5.

The glorious United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1 IRA sympathising commie star trek writers 0





Yes, every single one. They are all shit and boring.

I do enjoy horror games though

Should i watch the LOTR or hobbit trilogy first?

I've never read the books since i was a wheel of time neighbor as a kid, thoughts?



Disney lies on X and hyper autism Sonic fans swarm them
Weekly What are you watching thread #26

Sorry I forgot to post this earlier :marseyteehee: Though I still have a better uptime record than the gaming thread :marsey57:

Anyway what is everyone in !kino watching?


@Newvann please pin :marseybegging:

Joe Rogan and the Black Keys Diorama - Bobby Fingers





The female characters in Landman have the worst scripts ever. No girl would tell her dad "as long as he doesn't c*m in me, he can c*m anywhere on me." That's just so weirdly gross to say to your dad. Does Taylor have daughters?

:derpinacute: :marseysperm:

Wtf is up with them overly sexualizing the 17yr old daughter's storyline. It grosses me tf out. There's no way in heck a 17yr old would be walking around in underwear in a house full of grown men. But then again, this show is written for men which makes it all the more gross🤢🤧

the actress is 27 btw

It's crazy, also like why the frick are they camera fricking a character that's supposed to be 17 and wasting food like this shit is cute. It's fricking wasteful and that poor lady playing that decadent horribly entitled and vapid stupid eye candy. Disgusting

:marseychonkerfoid: mad about a joke where she told her dad she wanted 3 fries from mcdonalds and he said what? and she said yeah get one order of fries and take three out and throw away the rest.

Show of the Year? :marseytrophy:

or Sexist Garbage? :khazarmilkers:

I watched skinamarink

I understand what it was going for and the concept is interesting and creepy but the movie is dogshit, i still stand by the opinion that the thing is the only good horror movie ever

What the frick there was a live action tick show?
Japan Continues to Reject their Prodigal Son :itsoverjapanese:

Sega heavily pushed this movie pretty hard in Japan since its the most action packed and game accurate of the three and it still managed to flop.

A nation of Nintendrones can't handle a free spirit like Sonic :marseysonic:

Tho rejoice because Sonic's creator Supports Satam/Archie Kino and the Freedom Fighters !furries

EFFORTPOST Star Trek DS9 Season 1 Reviews: Duet and In the Hands of the Prophets


A unscheduled spaceship asks for docking permission at DS9 and, in what seems to me a massively wasteful use of resources, Kira (second in command of the station remember) deals with the request. This is how she hears that the ship has an emergency case of Space AIDS (not really, obviously, but I just got done in the last post claiming that a 1970s British multi-instrumentalist and songwriter was murdering people in space so you'll forgive my lack of exact details). Only survivors of one of Cardassia's most awful mines during the occupation (which we will hitherto call Michigan Mine cos apparently the air quality was so bad it gave everyone AIDS). Kira skips down to the infirmary to greet a brave survivor of the occupation to be greeted by this cheeky chappie:

He's obviously one of the guards from the camp and, as Kira tearfully explains to Sisko, those guys did a few too many of the old Nanjing Massacre recreation activities during their time in Michigan. This one is called Maritza and is played by Harris Yulin, an incredibly prolific character actor- if you don't recognise the name you'd recognise his face from one of his many, many movie roles. I've always remembered him best for his role as the corrupt pig in Scarface who was cocky enough to think Tony Montana wouldn't shoot him:

Although Maritza claims to have a different sickness, Bashir confirms it's definitely Michigan AIDS and Kira goes all Simon Weistental in her quest to see him hang. Sisko's reluctance to bend the law in order to hold the man on circumstantial evidence threatens to cause a diplomatic incident with both the Bajorans and the Cardassians and he's forced to give Kira 26 hours (one Bajor day, remember) to wring a confession out of the guy.

Sisko gets a call from his predecessor Gul Dukat...

Remember him? Yeah this is only the second time he's appeared in the series, believe it or not. Season 2 will see him appear far more prominently but, until now, he really hasn't played a large role.

Now, the rest of the episode is basically a series of one-on-one interrogations where Kira tries to prove that Maritza was actually the commander of the camp and was therefore responsible for everything that happened there and Martiza both denies it openly but also implies she's right and mocks her for not being able to prove it. These scenes are largely played straight without much in the way of special effects, location changes or other cast getting in the way- hence 'Duet'.

It's very strong stuff and gives Nana Visitor a lot of chances to prove her acting chops (which are considerable- everyone's just going to have to accept that I am going to simp hard for Visitor from now on because she's hot and talented AND I LIKE HER HAIR OK? I have been traumatised in recent years by the :marseytrain2: genocide of tomboys and I like to return to the 90s when boyish girls were loved and cherished and not hoodwinked into cutting their tits off*).

This episode reminds me of TNG's 'The Measure of a Man' in as much as it's a strong script presented plainly with very strong performances without needing a bunch of expensive vidual effects or the fricking camera rolling around on a fricking skateboard like modern Trek. The ending is a bit contrived (Maritza turns out to be the camp clerk who was too scared to stop the atrocities and wants to set himself up as a great villain to provide the Bajorans with a sense of justice and to publicize the massacre across the quadrant to stop the Carsassian revisionist history from burying it- Kira goes from hating him to feeling pity for him) but the road there is well worth travelling and it does a lot to explore the Bajoran and Cardassian attitude to the occupation and their relationship with each other. Having established that he's actually innocent- and a Bajoran sympathiser to boot- Kira escorts Maritza to his ship but, along the way he is attacked and killed by a Bajoran- not because he was a war criminal but simply because he was a Cardassian.


No seriously- it's good. Just falls apart a bit at the end.

*This was a sperg out and I'm sorry. I'm going to remember that obssessing about trains helped elect Dumpf and his gaggle of neo-lib Jeet-entusiasts.

In the Hands of the Prophets

So last episode re-introduced Gul Dukat. Lets meet another one of the DS9 rogues' gallery for the finalé of Season 1...

Vedek Winn is a religious fundamentalist and one of two Vedeks (like bishops) in line to become the next Kai (like the pope). Literally the first thing she does upon arriving on the station is shut Keiko the frick up and shut down her stupid school.

So far she's a very sympathetic villain. Winn's issue with the school is that it's teaching the kids, specifically the Bajoran kids, that the Celestial Temple is just an artificial wormhole and the Prophets are merely aliens.

Now this is some real Star Trek shit. The general disdain for religion and the repeated debunking of supposed "Gods" has been a cornerstone of this show from it's earliest days.

DS9 would tackle things differently- the Prophets are, essentially, just very advanced aliens... one theory posits them as what the Bajorans will eventually become although this idea has some issues and also it's a rip-off of the ultimate fate of humanity in Babylon 5...

...but since when has DS9 ripping-off Babylon 5 ever been something new?

Anyway, as I was saying- although the Prophets are just aliens to the Federation, DS9's writers never undermine the religious beliefs of the Bajorans: they are gods to them and they literally do all the god shit that gods are supposed to do. Similarly, just because Winn is an extremist that doesn't mean her religion is entirely bad or wrong.

To compound Keiko's problems, Miles is finding himself quite enamoured of his Bajoran assistant. She has actually been in a couple of episodes before this one but here she's given a lot more to say and do- she's smart, competent and she keeps sticking her tits in his face all the time.

Anyway, after all the shit Winn's been stirring, someone bombs the ( by luck, empty) school...

Remember how I said Winn was one of the Vedeks in the running to be the next Kai? The other one is Vedek Bariel.

You may recognise Robert Anglim as the younger priest guy (who wasn't Richard Chamberlain) from The Thorn Birds. Maybe you don't- he was later in the series after Rachel Ward and Brian Brown weren't in it. Bariel is the moderate candidate and Sisko tries topersuade him to come to the station to try and offset the violence.

He eventually agrees and arranges a photo-op with Winn- "let us stand together against this violence" he says- when Tits McWrinklenose tries to shoot him but is intercepted by Sisko doing a slow motion dive. He even gives us a slow motion "NOOOOOOOOO!" when he does it which is pretty funny. I actually don't want to undermine this scene- it's a heck of a climax.


Note the Bajoran special-needs clapping as Bariel does his rock-star priest act.

OK straight off- Louise Fletcher as Winn is fricking amazing. The passive aggressive shit she pulled as Nurse Ratched in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Works even better here where she ties it to smiley insincere religious doubletalk. I know the Oscars is bullshit, and I guess some of the schizo dramatards think the Academy a cabal of old libertarianphile Jews handing out awards for whatever shit they think will most destabilise the midwest, but Fletcher's Oscar deserves to be celebrated and is a badge of her talent. Let's just have a bit of that now...

Yeah, that's Brad Dourif- voice of Chucky and another Star Trek alumni.

Bajoran extremist shenanigans will kick off season 2 and Winn will be back in action, this time allying herself with multiple Tony Award winner Frank Langella (The Tony's are the stage Oscars but even more gay).

DS9 will return... maybe even in the new SciFi hole, who knows?

Nosferatu (2024): Eggy Fails to Find Horror's Future in it's Past :marseymid:

For the opening fourth of Nosferatu I was hooked. Thomas's travel to Count Orlok's castle and his subsequent torture in it were captivating. Providing the religious fervor, mysticism, and psychological degradation Robert Eggers is known for with Bill Skarsgård playing a suitably decayed and nasty Orlok. From there the movie only gets worse as it dedicated significant time to Ellen who in this version has a demonic, sexual bond with the count long predating Thomas's dealings with him. Any sexual subtext to the original film and novel are turned into constant numbing over text. The first time Orlok feeds on someone in a sexual way its creepy by the 4th, 5th, 10th.... it becomes tiring and cliche. Same goes for Ellen who spends a considerable bit of the run time going through the same sleep walking motions of humping the air and crying out in ecstasy for Orlok over and over again. It gets even worse when the whole thing becomes a shit version of the Exorcist with Ellen contorting her body in crazy ways and talking in tongues. These generic horror tropes continue with Thomas's return where the film becomes a boring, drawn out series of long tracking shots which end on a cheap jump scare. What should be scary becomes monotonous as it constantly replays the same scenes and tropes over and over again. Worst of all it does practically nothing with all this repetition. It shoves the sexual elements in your face without expansion beyond whats implied in the originals, and then it also has a totally separate thread of Orlok representing modernism which could be tied to the female sexuality angle but the film never does it.

Its a shame the movie turned out this bad, because when it works it really works. Thoma's travel through eastern Europe, Count Orlok on the ship, and the rotting plague city are all slim and spooky, serving as pretty good stand alone horror films. I think a slimmer, less dialog focused film just about Thomas traveling to and from the castle would have been way better. The strict faithfulness to the original's plot structure with the insistence on following modern horror pacing and tropes leads to a movie which just is just exhausting to finish with how much it beats the same drum over and over again. At a whopping 2 hours and 10 minutes I would frankly recommend watching the original with its slimmer 90 minute run time, which is basically all the best parts of this movie without all the tedious bloat.

Final score: 5/10

!kino its over :marseyitsover:

EFFORTPOST Star Trek DS9 Season 1 Reviews: The Nagus, Vortex and Dramatis Personae

The Nagus

The cold open drops more foreshadowing than sunshine on my butt: Sisko wants go to Bajor with Jake- he plans to visit The Fire Caverns (later revealed to be home to the Pah-Wraiths and they will be the site of Sisko's last confrontation with Dukat in the final episode)- Rom is acting like Rom and he quotes our first ever Rule of Acquisition (Number One, no less- "Once you've got their money, never give it back". As the episode progresses we get the sixth rule too- "Never allow family to stand in the way of opporunity")- we see Grand Nagus Zek, his weird staff and his huge manservant Maihardu. Loads of important shit gets shown for the first time this episode (EDIT NB: Because some r-slurs need it spelling out- the writers did not preplan anything in DS9 and merely returned to these ideas later on). This is also the first proper "Ferengi Episode"- a controversial concept as a lot of people don't like them. Although there were some rotten Ferengi episodes, there were plenty of good ones and I've always had a soft spot for them because they show a slice of Star Trek life from a different cultural perspective- a window into another way of thinking and existing within a setting we've only seen from one perspective in the past. Also, they're kind of like Fiddler on the Roof in space.

The Nagus has arrived on DS9, apparently on a cooming expedition. He intends to indulge in five of Quark's most popular holoporn programs. They would tone down the gooning implications in later seasons (and the holosuite would be used more for recreations of the Battle of Britain, somewhat-self-indulgent Rat Pack knock-offs and copyright infringing James Bond parodies- no seriously... Paramount got threatened with legal action by MGM after 'Our Man Bashir' in Season 5. How New Line's Austin Powers avoided this I don't know) but here in season 1, the message is clear as to what people are paying for in the holosuite:

They were together in real life btw: deal with it...

At least he's not really a Jeet

Zek invites himself to dinner at Quark's apartment. Side note- Ferengi use chopsticks and a lazy susan. There he explains his real reasons for the visit: he plans to use Quark's bar to host a biznez meeting to discuss Ferengi biznez, especially Gamma Quadrant biznez. He's chosen Quark's bar because apparently only Quark can arrange some uncomfortable-looking Ikea furniture in a room for short men with big ears to sit on. During the dinner Zek expresses disdain for BIPOC attending the hoo-man school so Rom tells BIPOC not to go there any more. BIPOC is less than happy about this and matters are not made better because Chief Obrien is currently teaching classes because the casting budget for this episode was already stretched by the Ferengi characters & would not cover Rosalind Chao's fee while Keiko is on holiday. This is the same Chief Obrien who literally had to fix every replicator on the station a few weeks back- now his wife's away he suddenly has all the time in the world to moonlight as a teachercel.

Getting back to the meeting: Nagus Zek explains that it's important that the Ferengi expand into the Gamma Quadrant so as to exploit a market where the unfounded reputation they have in the Merchant-phobic Alpha Quadrant can't ruin their chances.

Everyone agrees that this is an unreasonable goyim misrepresentation of a simple hard-working people.

But Zek feels he's too old to lead his people into this new frontier and he announces that he will now appoint a successor... Quark.

Nobody's impressed and spend the next few days low key threatening Quark- someone even tries to assassinate him. Compounding his woes, Zek suddenly dies leaving Quark without any support. Odo suggests doing an autopsy but everyone laughs as Zek's body is already gone- upon their deaths Ferengi are vacuum dessicated and the dishes of their remains auctioned off. One piece of Zek is worth 20 bars of gold-pressed latinum and is expected to double in value by the following year.

I'm not sure what Ferengi do with these powdered remains but those of great men like Zek sell for a high price and generally increase in value over time.

Quark tries to play it tough and act like he knows what he's doing which leads to this bizarre scene:

Turns out the bomb was Rom and Zek's useless son. They then try and blow Quark out of an airlock- something they're only prevented from doing by the reappearance of Zek who faked his death to test his useless son. A test his son failed uselessly. So Zek must remain Nagus and exploit the Gamma Quadrant personally, a task which will have huge implications in season 2. Far from being angry at his brother, Quark is just pleased he's not a complete failure as a Ferengi. For some reason Rom does not face charges for attempted murder.

There's a B plot about Jake teaching BIPOC to read which isn't worth getting into except for this bit where they goon over a hot Vulcan girl:

The first true Ferengi episode is... fine.

It lays the foundations for a lot of future Ferengi culture- their society is not one of true capitalism and free markets but rather a rigidly hierarchical one based on monopolies and price-fixing with the Nagus sitting at the center dictating everything and taking a cut of it all. Later we will learn of the Ferengi Commerce Authority which creates an impossible web of red tape in the Alliance which can only be navigated via extortionate bribes. This is why Ferengi have to gouge the life out of any non-Ferengi they do business with: their margins are so narrow due to all the bureaucracy and corruption.

Quick note on gold-pressed latinum: it's not a currency- it's a commodity and therefore it's price presumably fluctuates. Latinum is a metal, liquid at room temperature, which cannot be synthesised or replicated- hence it's intrinsic value. The latinum is traditionally pressed into sleeves of gold (which can be replicated and therefore has no real value besides looking nice) which are shaped as slips, strips and bars. Although the value of latinum fluctuates 100 slips make a strip and 20 strips make a bar. There are also bricks which are massively expensive but I don't know how many bars make a brick. I think that if you consider a slip to be worth about $1 you are in the right ball park. Other non-replicatable materials include dilithium crystals and possibly uridium (a fictional metal, originally invented for the 1980s vidya of the same name, from which starship sensor arrays are made) because the whole reason for the Cardassian occupation of Bajor was to strip-mine the planet for uridium. I suppose it's possible that different materials use different amounts of energy to replicate and it might just be more energy efficient for the Cardassians to mine the stuff. I suppose it's also possible that Cardassian replicators (which the show has established already as being a bit shit) can't do it but Federation ones can. Anyway...


Jeff Lynne from ELO (or an alien who looks a lot like him) comes aboard DS9 and gets involved in some plot to rip off a Faberge egg thing Quark's trying to sell to a pair of twins (it is never explained why Jeff's involved in this). In the ensuing fight Jeff shoots and kills one of the twins and is arrested on suspicion of murder (although the twins fired first, it was Jeff who pulled a gun on them) while the surviving brother swears revenge.

I do wonder how they cast these twins and who got the decision on which one lives (and gets most of the speaking lines) and which one dies. Did they share both salaries equally? After all- they wouldn't have gotten the gig unless there was two of them.

Anyway, Jeff is one of those tricksy types who gaslamps Odo into believing he can lead the constable to his people- as proof he shows him a shapechanging butt-plug thing he keeps in a locket (why the heck was he allowed to keep this in his cell?).

Sisko and Dax go to Jeff's home planet and find them to be authoritarian buttholes but this week's interpretation of the Prime Directive demands that Jeff is returned to be executed without trial. Odo gets the gig to take him but re-routes to a nebula where Jeff says Odo might find his people. Of course he can't and it's just a stasis pod where Jeff has stashed his daughter (how did he get it here?). The shapechanging butt-plug is a key. He's a dissident, you see and was just trying to protect his daughter (from what? Are they a persecuted minority? We never find out).

The twin shows up in a sharp pointy-looking starship (must be a nightmare to dock) and there's a bit of action which, I'll grant you, does look nice...

...but this whole story makes no sense and Jeff's bullshit about the Changelings (this is the first time we ever hear Odo's people referred to as such) just feels like the episode itself bullpooping the audience into wasting our time watching this because we thought something important might occur. You might also notice a lot of "never explained" and "for some reason" bits in this review- that's never a good sign. There's also this bit where a rock falls on Odo's head and knocks him out- how the frick does that work? He doesn't have a brain.

It's all so disappointing.

Dramatis Personae

Another alien mind-virus has everybody on the station acting weird except for Odo. It was brought on board by a Klingon ship which asplodes after coming through the wormhole after cutting short their planetary survey mission into the Gamma Quadrant. I can't help but wonder how a Vor'cha class battlecruiser can blow into pieces right next to a busy star port and yet not cause any damage to any other vessels or the station itself.

One Klingon is successfully beamed over before his ship asplodes and mumbles one word before he dies; "victory". He carries his own personal logs which have suffered enough damage as to take a while to decipher (or maybe they got the logs from the cruiser wreckage, I can't remember). While this is happening Odo has a massive spazz in Quarks...

...but quickly recovers. This is never explained but is clearly his reaction to the virus. Quark also doesn't seem affected but his usefulness is restricted for reasons you'll see in a minute. Everybody else starts acting paranoid and weird and turns on each other forming into two groups- one loyal to Sisko and the other seeking to overthrow him, led by Kira. The Klingon logs eventually show that the exact same pattern of events occured aboard their cruiser but the significance of this is downplayed by Obrien (acting as Sisko's enforcer while Sisko hides insolently in his office and DNGAF) who, correctly, points out that Kingons tend to get promoted by assassinating their commanders. How the frick things like a Gamma Quadrant planetary survey mission get done under these conditions is unfathomable. The Klingons found some kind of ancient alien historical archive and it somehow causes people to reenact ancient historical events, presumably this was supposed to happen under more controlled circumstances than we see happening here.

There are two good things about this episode: the first is the subtle way the characters are afffected by the archive- they retain their sense of selves and their motivations seem consistent with their previously established characters. Kira's initial reasons for toppling Sisko is that she thinks he and the Federation are a threat to Bajor, Dax is an old man who is full of reminiscences and Obrien is a chippy and bad tempered Irish shit. The second reason is Kira being crazy hot. I never remember finding Nana Visitor this attractive before but, God-she is sexy AF and some of her antics in this episode are particularly coom-worthy.

God I wish I was Quark right here...

Avery Brooks is quite good doing Sisko's Nero act in this episode (Brooks was always better playing bad guys) and it causes him to make a strange alien clock instead of playing a fiddle. the clock was a really nice prop and we often see it in the background in his office during subsequent episodes:

Possibility of making a Starshit hole

I'm thinking we need to have a hole dedicated to SciFi TV and movies- particularly shows like old school Star Trek, Stargate etc. I'd be willing to put 50,000 DC towards it if other people could help raise the other half of the cost. I also have no ability with CSS or banner creation. IDK, what do you think?

PTP made it so you can no longer browse movies by freeleech

this is the worst Christmas ever :marseysad:

Gladiator (2000) Ending Scenes (HD)

Nosferatu mini review

>got to movies

>see 100 year old remake

>it's cuck fanfiction


(I need to see the original)

Squid Game Season 2 got Netflix'd (season discussion?)

Just finished season 2. It was decent but fell a bit flat. It's less season 2 and more season 2 part 1 because nothing is resolved by the finale. It's all just build up for season 3.

In regards to my title though, it's a Netflix show so of course they randomly had to have a :marseytrain: in it and they play a prominent role. Admittedly though I didn't mind the character. Reddit is fawning all over them of course. It did make me laugh that one of the first significant things the MtF did was physically assault and threaten to kill a woman. Then asked everyone to look away when he had to do some hacky sack type game so nobody would see his dong bouncing around because he didn't get bottom surgery yet.

alright, poll of the century

!kino !poll_voters !sophistry


Ari Aster is known for Hereditary and Midsommar but this is something :marseysmugface: else

!chuds you need to see this

!nonchuds you can probably relate for obvious :marseyoctopus3: reasons

!jidf similar :marseypamsame: to Muslims, no?

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