Bradley Cooper is really really good at playing characters who are unnerving and fake and tryhard. One of the greats! Highly recommend American Sniper

How does he do it? Give him an Oscar!! :marseyraging:

I watched American Sniper which is 2 hours of him shooting brown people and trying to be a hero and a good husband. Which he ultimately is, but the tension of his portrayal of Chris Kyle as a tryhard insecure freak makes the movie great. I don't think that was baked in the script. A different performance or even a :marseyairquotes:better:marseyairquotes: performance and the movie would be boring af. A confident, strong, but damaged American Sniper sneeding and coping over duty and war while also sorta getting off on the action?? Get that shit outta here!! I want desperate and weird American Sniper.

Perhaps Cooper studied the real Chris Kyle because if you read his wiki page his weird tryhardyness may be what ultimately killed him. His desperate need to be a hero caused him to spend time with a PTSD schizo he didn't even like. When the schizo couldn't handle the bad vibes he randomly shot American Sniper.

Politically, the script was pro-war I guess :marseyshrug:. But it didn't make me wanna go into battle, especially with American Sniper. It's perfunctory touching on veterans' disillusionment is quickly dismissed by American Sniper so you don't have to think about it too much, you just continue to be transfixed by American Sniper.

The sound effects were very good. All the sets kinda looked the same but that's probably just unfortunate realism. Pirate a high bit rate copy or you're going to get some Iraqi dust colored banding.

Overall American Sniper 9.9/10, without Cooper 3/10. The only thing missing was American Sniper american sniping Katrina looters.

I'd watch Maestro but I don't wanna see gay Bradley Cooper. Instead I'm gonna rewatch American Hustle, I don't really remember it but with my newfound Cooper appreciation I'm sure I'll enjoy it!

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