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  • DickButtKiss : Did you see the title? If you read the title and still decided to watch it, ngmi

I never knew a movie could filter me that hard :marseycry2: I haven't seen a single bad review and it's a total SNOOZEFEST :marseysleep:



I'm the type to even start crying at the most cliché hollywood exploits, yet this beloved mainstream "tearjerker" is one of the most boring movies I've ever watched.

I thought what am I missing? Why do people care about the soulless people trying to get the property of their whiny grandma? So I did some research. :marseydetective:

I found nothing but praise on the website where sane people post the best takes called But then I came across something interesting on the Thailand subreddit. The slightest hint of criticism.

Hmm, so what is this movie about?

How is their second proposal LITERALLY THE SAME PLOT???? Except for the gay love story, copying the West much? :smugjak:

So apparently Thailand's most emotional topic is landchad vs rentcel drama. No wonder these soulless people will turn their kid into a ladyboy to get some pocket change from Western incels. :marseydisgust:

Meanwhile their insurance commercials look like this:

:marseysulk: :marseyhappytears: :derpcrying: :marseyisiscry: :cryingatcuteness: :marseyweeping: :marseyemojilaughupset: :tears: :marseycrysleep2: :toadcrying:

Just switch directors or something, idk.

tl;dr I thought I got filtered, but it turned out they were demons

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East Asian films without martial arts are trash.

At least Bollywood has dancing and slow motion walking next to train tracks (origin of all those inexplicable Jeet-Train WPD vids)

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