
That is all.

!kino !anime

Other funny I stuff I found.

Thoughts on Walter Jr? :marseywalterwhite:

!kino !writecel what do you think of this character? Do you think Louis bussy-blasted him? Would Walt Jr identify as Skyler Jr instead of Flynn if Breaking Bad came out today? Was he r-slurred?



Laughable propaganda

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  • eva_isachud : show me a pic of these people i will fly to LA and kill them on sight

!ringbearers !bookworms

You mentioned their relationship might remind people of their own relationships, including romantic. There were times watching Celebrimbor and Annatar that I wondered if there was some romantic, or even sexual, underpinning to what was going on there?

MCKAY I would say the nature of this relationship and its closeness, and the even the sexual tension in it, has been a source of speculation by may fans of the source material for many years. Anytime you're dealing with such powerful emotions as seduction and deception, I think it's easy for your imagination to go there.

PAYNE I think you can see it from the beginning of their interactions together in the second episode. Sauron is pulling Celebrimbor in by saying, "There are things I can only tell to you," and, "You always saw me the way no one else could" and "You're safe with me." You're seeing this intimate dance that Sauron is doing. So certainly we could see how people could take that a step further and ship them.

AAAAAAGHHHHHHHH :#jannybell: :#jannybell: :#jannybell: :#jannybell: :#jannybell: :#jannybell:

I thought shipping the Dark Lord with Galadriel was enough but apparently Celebrimbor/Annatar fan-fiction was important to the plot too.

MCKAY And it's also a story of the orcs, right? Adar is an orc who believes that orcs could be something more. They could have a home. He even seems to promise Galadriel they'll leave the rest of Middle-earth alone. In some ways, it's not just the story of how Sauron claims the orc nation, it's also the story of how there was a chance that orcs could have been a people in their own right

Muhh uruk lives matter. NOOO YOU CAN'T MAKE THE ORCERINOS BAD! :#soycry:

The chud sub discussion

And it looks like not even the normie schlock site enjoyed the finale

Also, the Balrog destroying Khazad-dûm is just like the heckin climate change :marseysoylentgrin:

Over in Khazad-dûm, I always had the impression that once the Balrog was released, he wreaked havoc and drove everyone out of the mines immediately. But in your story, this is more of a gradual corruption process. That city is still occupied and they're still going to be fighting for it going into season three.

MCKAY This is a thing where, how do societies fall? Usually it's gradually, and then all at once. If you want to use climate change as a metaphor, climate change is not an event. Climate change is a process that ebbs and flows, that's always headed in a dark direction. I think a kingdom as great and powerful as Khazad-dûm does not fall in a moment. The fall is the product of many disasters over time. And I think it would sell Khazad-dûm short for the Balrog to get out and then it's all over. It's more complicated. We think there's a bigger story to be told here.

I'm just a mick

One of the most classic lines on TV ever and it's erased because we don't ever get "representation". In fact it's erased. Wonder which government of child molestors is resonsible.

Oh, Harrigan did it because he's a Mick. Det. Logan's a Mick. I'm a Mick, sir and if you don't shut up, I'll lose control and throw you out of the room.

Big Jim Mclain (1952)

How you deal with racists/communists (the same thing).


Realistic Visual Effects

The Third Level


That stuff isn't real and there's not a conspiracy to make you think it is. There's rumors that the jannies here are running this kind of conspiracy. They're contacting doctors to treat you right now.

they should remake Blast from the Past (1999) and set it in Portland

I wish I could have known my great-grandfather because he was basically like me except bitching about the same things several decades ago.


Reciting The Iliad: my first attempt

This is literally me when I try to cast a level 1 frostbolt

What is your opinion on this movie ?

All the things that I could find online are feminists :marseyradfem: saying the movie was written by a man because the girl just goes along with the kidnapping, but to me it's pretty obvious that the movie is a comedy, and she thinks he is such a loser :marseyl: he won't harm her.

Wishbone - Best and Most Me Children's TV show ever

So the concept is that you've got a bunch of 11-year old kids having a problem in school in 1990s America. What's the best way to solve it? A Jack Russell Terrier having psychotic delusions about being characters from stories in the past.


This will make the children learn. Basically this most hilarious thing I ever read in my life but she's not worth pursuing for marriage. Worst disappointment in my life.

@Klenn_and_Back_Again This is how your dog operates on a daily basis, right?

(Seriouspost: This might sound weird but actually educating children about reading is an interest of mine (if you know me you'll get it) and this show hits it out of the fricking park. It's basically everything about me made into a tv show.).


Holy shit every single person on this thing so far is a massive fricking douche. There isn't even one person who is not an insufferable fart huffer. I hate all of these people and want all the worst things in the world to happen to them.

:#marseynerd2: :#marseyshooting:


!kino thoughts on this scene?

I never understood why Coppola made Dracula turn into a werewolf, also that "NO, DO NOT SEE ME" always cracks me up. Such a campy movie.

Alf, Japan :marseysoyhype:
Mind-Warpingly Bad Movies

There are some Z-movies that get absolutely everything so unbelievably wrong on every level - and in such a singularly bizarre, insane, utterly logic-defying way - that watching them almost feels like some kind of psychedelic, mind-warping experience. These are the films where you spend the entire duration of the movie simply staring at the screen in wide-eyed disbelief, mouth agape, twitching slightly, and occasionally saying "what?". Fascinating in the same way that a gruesome train wreck is fascinating, these films are surreal and unsettling in ways that a more well-made film could never be, as they make you feel like someone slipped something into your drink. Whatever these films may be, they definitely aren't forgettable.

Some examples:

Boardinghouse (1982)

The Last House on Dead End Street (1973)

Alien Beasts (1991)

After Last Season (2009)

Deadly Daphne's Revenge (1987)

Nightdreams (1981)

End of the Wicked (1999)

Blood Freak (1972)

Things (1989)

Love Me Deadly (1972)

If Footmen Tire You What Will Horses Do? (1971)

Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny (1972)

Hardgore (1975)

Shaye & Kiki (2004)

I-Be Area (2007)

Monkeys in the Attic (1974)

Out (1982)

Psycho Weene (2006)

Season in Heck (2004)

Devil Story (1986)

Dracula's Angel (2014)

Can you think of any others?


:marseyravecope::marseyravecope::marseyravecope: 'Velma' Cancelled at Max :marseyravecope::marseyravecope: :marseyravecope:


Wishmaster 2!

Amazing evil genie film. Got inmates doin karate moves, russian gangsters, casino games murdering everyone. Other stuff so I don't spoil the whole movie, it's hilarious and free on roku...probably other places.

Watching wishmaster and it's not as good. Gonna watch all of em frick it :marseygenie:


!besties !hibernians Tipperary is an alien place to a Leinster chud :marseysweating:



!kino !writecel


They're the same picture

!chuds I'm struggling on this one

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