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rdrama reads: Whitney Ryan's Black Future, Week 2:marseyparty:

Welcome back to our Black Future story hour, dramatards. Page 2 got spoiled by some :marseychad: so I'm skipping right to the third page.

editor's note: the author has introduced a duo of underage characters. I have not read ahead, so if this turns out to be a pederast book we will have to read How I sued Taylor Swift by one R. Greer instead

Anyway, you, the fine :marseydramautist: of rdrama, are tasked with guessing what happens on the following page. The closest guess will receive 10 marseybux. I'll update the OP with the best guesses. I'll keep track of any guesses before the spoilers inevitably drop.

Here's a link to page 3, i dont want to upload the files locally :marseypirate2:



The momentum does not let up :marseysweating: every word carefully and masterfully chosen, Whitney Ryan is showing us the lives of her dramatis personae in a strange and captivating world

Dear readers, what do you think happens next?

Guess 1:


I'm gonna guess Alexa is going to hear the news that the kangs are coming to her village, and he's going to make way toward the village to save her sister

Guess #2


There's a knock on the door and it's a basketball government official. He comes in, eats the rabbits, fricks the sissy's wife, and leaves.

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lmfao you're a funny one. Not sure if I should ban you or just keep you here for the amusement.

There's a certain hierarchy here, as my admin badge should have keyed you in on, and you went and mocked me. Do you know how much power I have? I'm not just the admin of a group with over 50k members, I've got a network of admins that are loyal to me alone and their power spans all of Leftbook. I'm the veritable champion online, and if you don't do what I say... why don't you message some group members and find out? :wink:

The only reason you're not banned yet is that I wanted to give you some time to read this first... to know how deep the shit you're in is.

Don't mock my community. Don't mock Harry Potter fans or those winning with Autism. You want another chance? Say you understand and you apologize, and say you realize you've been a stupid frick in a beautiful place.



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