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the /lit/ board on 4chan

whats their deal

i saw this thread yesterday and lol'd irl

Would all the famous philosophers and writers grow up to be the same as if they were born today (meaning born some 20-30 years ago)?

They would lurk on 4chan

This. As r-slurred as most channers are, this website still appeals to philosophical types because it lets you share your thoughts without much censorship or lame incentive structures.

after i posted an ebin react gif of norm mcdonald laughing, i got this response

Okay, now try to make an actual argument (and make sure it's not a strawman)

:marseysmoothbrain: :marseylaugh:

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/lit/ hates me because I like Stephanie Meyer

I actually hate the themes of her books, though she unintentionally made a Mormon allegory which is pretty interesting.

I just think she's an objectively great writer, with some good strengths in story telling that are worth studying. Her writing sounds stupider than it is out of context.

Twilight is not a even worse love story than some of the melodramatic literature professor books they soy over :marseyindignant:

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