Weekly "what are you reading" Thread #55 :marseyreading:

To discuss your weekly readings of books, textbooks and papers.

!bookworms !classics

I'm still haven't finished Père Goriot and I began to re-read Crime and Punishment as It's been almost a decade since I read it and I was gifted a new and pretty hardcover edition. I forgot how neurodivergent the characters acted, I'm not talking about Raskolnikov but Luzhin for instance behaves and talks so strangely in his first meeting with his future brother in law and co., he first comes out as arrogant, then clueless with a "fellow kids" vibe. Marmeladov's rambling at the tavern was longer than I remembered, and what a pathetic and wretched person he is.

>Yeah, I'm a drunk unemployed loser, my wife got beaten up by shark loaners and I did nothing, my kids starve and my eldest daughter whores herself to provide for us, someone gave me a job out of good faith and old trust and instead of working I went to buy booze and get lost for 5 days. But God will have mercy on me because I'm self aware :marseyclueless: :marseysmoothbrain:

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!commenters I've been reading :marseymoreyouknow: White :marseymarcuswave: by Brett Easton :marseybateman: Ellis :marseybateman: and it feels :marseyvapecrying: like a direct line to the Gen-Xer id, quite dramapilled in that it's a boomer :marseygrilling2: spilling his spaghetti everywhere but there's a handful of passable insights too

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spilling his spaghetti everywhere

what does that even mean

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He spends at least a quarter of the book ranting about snowflakes and wokeness and how he wasn't ever mad about twitter :marseyelonpaypig: but just posted a lot and extensively detailed :marseycatgirlhomofascist: how he reacted

e: at least half really :marseythinkorino2:

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Just don't confuse Gen-Xers with the actual boomers who came before, or the one good generation of people who are totally perfect that came just after.

I would say I learned a lot about them from Douglas Coupland's Generation X except that I don't remember a goddarn thing from it. Except for some kid claiming that ackshually :marseyakshually: Fight Club was bad because fat from liposuction was a minor part of the plot and Generation X mentioned fat from liposuction. So it was just a ripoff.

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Sorry :marseyteehee: yes Gen X is correct, I meant boomer :marseygrilling: as in old !slots122

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