Thoughts on "His Dark Materials" trilogy? Book and show :marseypolarbear: :marseywitch2: :marseypope: :marseyfedoratip:

!bookworms what are your thoughts?

I never read, I only watched the Nicole Kidman film and the first season of the show. But I did some wikipedia reading on their fictional world

>people have dæmons which are their souls living outside their bodies in the shape on an animal

>Jean Calvine became Pope and the Church, I mean, the Magisterium, became some totalitarian uber powerful org in charge of Europe.

>God and the angels exist and our heroes want to kill them because the Kingdom of God is bad, Republic of Heaven is good and Church bad or something.

!catholics thoughts?

I did like the victorian-to-dieselpunk aesthetics the film and show have with the dirigibles and balloons, even if dirigibles are gay.

@ACA can you ping the calvinists and atheists please?

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I read them as a kid. I like them, but I think some of the themes went over my head.

The show was decent. They seemed to stay kinda mostly to the plot in the books but they reshuffled a ton of events. This isn't a spoiler but the books tended to have different story arcs as separate chapters (or even books) while the show reorders things to be closer to chronological order. For example there's a story arc not introduced until the second book but they introduce it in the first season of the show.

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