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I just finished Convenience Store Woman, by Sayaka Murata

It's honestly comical how the woman is like a textbook case of autism,and yet no one in Japan has even heard of it so they all think the main character is just bizarre, to the point that the incel she gets into a relationship with is more normal than her. It almost has socialist underpinnings to me too-spoilers, at the very end the incel gets her to quit her job and look for a prestigious full time position,only for the incel to go take a leak in a conbini nearby and she follows him in and begins rearranging the products in the optimal way. This woman knows everything that needs to be done and understands the store inside and out,but because she lacks the capital to join the owner-class she's stuck grubbing for pennies. Meanwhile, some dude(and his wife probably) are raking in all that fat income as a passive investment with no work being done on their part.I don't know, it just rubs me the wrong way.

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