Stunning and brave opinion. I unironically like Harry Potter :marseyrowling: :marseyhermione:


Also, I liked the Goblet of Fire film adaptation

>nooooo, but what about Barty Crouch being better explained in the book! And the quidditch tournament fight! And the Hermione elferino libtard movement which was all cut! :soycry: :marseysoycry: :seethejak:

Don't care, and it's the only film Voldemort felt menacing after returning. By the last films he was just kind of goofy.

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I thought the books were decent. I read them when I was the same age as Harry Potter was in them and kind of lost interest in the later ones but maintain that they were entertaining and well written books.

I was never much interested in the films, but I like the fact that JK Rowling only let them make them if they cast actual Brits instead of Americans doing r-slurred imitation accents.

It's kind of sad when millennials get stuck on media from their youth, but that doesn't make the media bad exactly.

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It's kind of sad when millennials get stuck on media from their youth, but that doesn't make the media bad exactly.

There's not really anything better than it in it's genre. Cinema seems to have been struggling the past couple decades with movies that stay in memory

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