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Can Commission artists kindly F Off! - :marseyannoyed: amusing Fanfic author in the wild!


A message for all of these artists who keep messaging me every single week. (Note to anonymous reviewer, you have no idea how bad this problem has gotten, this site is full of the human equivalent of bots, and no I didn't make up factory work (honestly who would?) so kindly keep your ignorance to yourself). (Jesus Christ so much but hurt PM me like a normal person ffs)(cry harder)

Have you ever been in the position of being a fanfiction author and you check your inbox and see something along the lines of "I really like random story X and I have some suggestions".

Sighing internally you reply and ask them their suggestion and they haven't actually read the story at all and say something along the lines of "can you please give me money to draw you some art for your story".

This is really fricking annoying. I'm not gonna give you any money, especially not after pulling a trick like that. It's a shitty thing to do. I don't get paid any money to write, I go out and do 8 hours of backbreaking work in a filthy factory to pay my bills, I create stories in my extremely limited free time. It's hard work but it's honest work, which is more than I can say for you.

Fortunately for me, I already have art because artificial intelligence art is a thing. I paid 50 for lifetime ad free use of an ai art app on my phone and now I have INFINITE art without paying artists a cent.

If anyone is interested I even have a facebook page called "MA7 fanfiction author" where I share some of this art for free.

So can these duplicitous commission artists kindly go right the frick away and stop this shit.

Thank you for listening.

Dear butthurt angry people. This is very specifically aimed at the human spam bots who spam me like every few days. Wrinkle those brains a bit and read what I said, not just what you think I said. I'm sorry if I touched your sacred cows but I'm not artist-Hindu and your cow is blocking the road. I'm not attacking every professional artist on this earth, I'm attacking the human spam bots who infest this website using false pretences to try to get commissions.

As for the "purity" of art, commission art is exactly the opposite of artistic expression. Someone is literally paying money and telling the commission artist exactly what to make (even if it's crap). As a self funded writer I have the freedom to write anything I want (including this), I don't have to suck the peepee of some sponsor and compromise my "art" the way that professional artists do. I'm far closer to artistic purity than the average commission spam bot will ever be. I don't care about your dream job, I don't work in my own dream job so why would I have sympathy for others who resort to spamming innocent people to work in their own dream job?

If you find work in art then good for you I applaud you, but I personally don't owe you any art commissions. Call me a "chud" all you like for touching your sacred cows, I find it amusing more than anything. Also please figure out how this website works regarding anonymous reviews. Specifically it is at the discretion of the author to approve the anonymous reviews, and if the review is just unhinged personal attacks then why would I show you any more respect than you show me by actually approving such diatribe. I don't owe you a platform to soapbox from and I don't owe you respect when you have none of your own.

I did take the liberty of saving your entertaining anonymous reviews for my own amusement, I found them very funny and got a good chuckle out of them. I got even more of a laugh watching you go ballistic every time I didn't approve them, honestly it was hilarious. If you want the ability to post shit in reviews without approval then you need to get an account on this site, but with that you lose the protection of remaining anonymous, you have to actually stand up and cop flak the way I do.

As for why I post this here rather than on a personal blog, the reason is obvious. Because the spam bots are here and they will read it *here, this is targeted at the human spam bots. If you are not a human spam bot then this was never even targeted at you in the first place. The only people who should be getting butt hurt are the spam bots.


!bookworms !chuds :marseyantiwork:

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