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:marseycryinglaptop: "I waited 7 years to read this book. 7 years. And I am not going to finish it."

Brandon Sanderson

For those that don't know, Brandon Sanderson is a Mormon author that specializes in writing fantasy for people that believe video games are art. The Mormonism manifests itself as embarassing and clunky attempts at insults.

For example:


But don't worry. He doesn't need the crutch of Mormonism to help him write atrocities.


Sanderson started getting big in 2006 when not mentioning current-day issues in your writing wasn't considered violence. Because his early work was inoffensive, some of his fans had certain opinions and would be described as chud-adjacent today. We'll come back to them in a moment.

With success came the the desire to expand, and what better way to reach more people than making it more relatable™ and courting a "modern audience"! It started out subtle: a background character making comments about the same s*x, allegories about mental health and, eventually, an out-of-place political desire to install a modern democracy in a medieval fantasy world. It got progressively more obvious with each new book, but it clearly worked, because you can't go anywhere online to discuss fiction now without being bombarded with Sanderson recommendations.

And now a large chunk of his fan base looks like this


Wind and Truth

The most recent addition to the Sanderson Literary Universe was the 5th book in the Stormlight Archive series, Wind and Truth.

We're going to look at some 1-star reviews, which are mostly chuds dumb enough to have kept reading up until now.

Remember the excerpts from earlier? ALL his writing is like that. All 4 previous books in the series. These geniuses endured 4,546 pages of slop to get to this point

Goodreads Link. Sort by 1-star reviews. 2-stars are also funny, but it's mostly just people begging him to get another editor.


I will be honest, I cried

I didn't realize I was reading garbage until there was a gay character!



^ This is an actual quote :marseyemojilaugh:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17376718703gWw8HQzgDa4NA.webp :#marseylongpost2:

This guy wrote a whole novel in protest

Can't read it? You're welcome!

It turns into an impassioned plea for Sanderson to renounce Mormonism in favour of mainstream Christianity, which is funny, but not actually worth reading.




I couldn't drug myself to sleep, so I used boring audiobooks



The best part of these 1-star reviewers pouring out their hearts (and some of them posting from accounts with face pics and real names) is that none of it meant anything. The book was well-received overall and will fund the next 5 books in the series! :platyrich:

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I'm going to blow your minds here. All fantasy is trash, and all for the same reasons, which go back all the way to the grandfather of the genre, Lord of the Rings.

1. All fantasy novels try to tell an epic story involving multiple groups of people working toward a common goal. You think this sounds ok if all you read is sci fi or fantasy, or you don't ordinarily read at all, so you want your books to resemble your favorite TV series. For visual media, or anything episodic, it's necessary to have a cast of characters doing different things, and to switch between points of view to keep the audience engaged, but it isn't nearly as common in fiction, where your audience should be expected to have the attention span to follow a single point of view for a few hundred pages. Even great TV shows like Twin Peaks suffer from their multiple points of view by having at least one group of people who are clearly the show's B-squad (Donna and her idiot motorcycle boyfriend in the case of Twin Peaks). Every single fantasy novel ever written (even Lord of the Rings) has huge swaths of pages where you start asking yourself "why am I reading about this butthole? where is the main character?". It's the number one crime of all fantasy as a genre.

2. Fantasy novels love extraneous characters. A sane author of fiction will not name a character unless this serves a purpose, either because their name is significant to the plot or because they're going to appear multiple times throughout the story. It's along the same lines as that rule that you shouldn't show a gun in a movie unless it's going to be fired at some point. Why are you telling me that the waiter's name at the local tavern is Bradigar or whatever? Who the frick cares? Fantasy authors think you need to know everyone's name because they are all neurodivergent and they think more irrelevant things to memorize makes the world deeper and more three dimensional. They are confused and believe an abundance of pointless details is what makes a story complex, instead of characterizing only important people through their thoughts and dialogue like a real author.

3. Fantasy authors think they can rely on all the tropes created before them, copying every single one of them, yet somehow they're going to do it better. Let's be fair and leave out the stuff that is lifted from LOTR, which was published like 80 years ago. How about fantasy battles among armies, a key component of just about every fantasy novel, and not something Tolkien spent a lot of time on. Pick up a history book and read about how Alexander the Great and/or Julius Caesar fought battles, and if you haven't done so before, a light bulb should go off over your head as you notice that every single battle fought in any fantasy novel is based on like 4 or 5 battles those two fought in real life.

And then let's just get into the LOTR problem. Sure battles weren't lifted from it, but even major fantasy series started as LOTR pastiches. Sword of Shannara and Eye of the World (first book of Wheel of Time) were just basic retellings of Fellowship of the Ring. The authors of these books only pivoted to find their own personality because someone started paying them to do something original.

4. Plot over characterization. This isn't unique to fantasy, it's just a general problem I have with genre fiction. All of it reads like Tom Clancy. Nobody has any depth of character, no one ever does anything unique or original or makes you think about life, or makes you pause because you read something that gave you some kind of insight into what the author believes (other than that they're an neurodivergent sperg). The author only cares about spending way too many pages writing out their overly convoluted plot, which is usually about as interesting as a JRPG. They're books written for TV series consumers with no attention span.

I could probably write a book about how much I hate the fantasy genre, even though it was my favorite thing in the world (when I was in HIGH SCHOOL) but if I did that, I'd be a giant hack like Brandon Sanderson.

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I don't like fantasy but his fellow mormon Card wrote some interesting ones because one or two of his characters are often psychologically messed up in some unexpected way.

Yeah genre fiction overall is not "art". It's pure entertainment that by its definition cannot truly surprise you because it must adhere to certain guidelines.

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Have you read any of that one guy who trapped his kids in his basement in the 70s?

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No, I haven't heard of that.

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it definitely made his works take on a new meaning knowing his kids were starving beneath his floor while writing

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