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Bardbot and you

Why is crosstalk doing it right now

I inherited this thing like yesterday. I tried looking at the code base and I got tired.

I looked enough to make sure it wasnt a virus. Then I yoloed it into prod on @CrossTalkPM


What about the leaderboard?

Well !jannies are :marseyplacenofun:, so I couldn't get the leaderboard database so your screwed on your old leaderboard.

Ill figure something out, maybe poll the comments back as far as they can go and turn it around.

Whats next?

Im going to rewrite it into a proper pub sub model with not hard coded credentials and auth... and try to keep the functionality as apples to apples as possible. Then try to improve on it some I guess.

Maybe you can leave me some suggestions, and maybe I do some of them, maybe.

Im going to put !the bot on a different account than crosstalk I guess yall(<--@Tracy new ping group idea) can suggest names !metashit

I did notice that the hours between mentions counter looked r-slurred so maybe ill start there.

beyond doing the bard thing, did it do anything else? whos running bard digest? the codes in here but im not sure if it runs here or somewhere else...

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>Kia Boys















>British Man

>Brazen duo



>Party goers

>Young boys

>College kids


>Lego Heads

>Dog owners

>SUV Drivers

>Crazed Man


>Young father

>Scooter rider

>Gentle giants


>Church goers

>Little Rascals

>Rowdy guests

>Church helper

>Total Stranger

>Rude students

>Massive Goon

>Naked women

>Jobless losers

>Family Friends

>Gifted athletes

>Enraged Driver

>Raging woman

>Adult Customer

>Teen Squatters

>Gang members

>Trouble makers

>Spring breakers

>Bus passengers

>Aspiring rappers

>Hide and seeker

>Subway dancers

>Street performer

>House inspector

>California Father

>Shadowy figures

>Irate Moviegoers

>Would-be thieves

>Repeat offenders

>Heartless thieves

>Lifelong criminals

>Funeral mourners

>Unhinged patients

>Restaurant patron

>Larger aggressors

>Unhinged stranger

>Gifted school boys

>Shirtless attackers

>Shirtless strangers

>Masked assailants

>Would-be muggers

>Lunchtime rowdies

>Cold-hearted teens

>Persons of interest

>Classroom rowdies

>Squatting Suspects

>Wendy's customers

>Belligerent stranger

>Former NFL players

>McDonalds Whacko

>Black Friday crowds

>High school student

>Troubled young men

>Community activists

>Urban demographics

>Spring break partiers

>Scholarship recipient

>Neighborhood bullies

>Misogynistic maniacs

>Knife wielding sicko

>Balaclava Clad Creeps

>Fringe Political Candidate

>Boy holding gardening tool

>Purple Shoe Wearing Bandit

>Gifted and Talented Students

>Youths from deprived suburbs

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That degree finally paying off

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