
I'm not sure which is which but this is a REAL photo of BOTH of them!!!

What's the logic :marseycheckmate: here?

@Turkeyvann allow us to bully :marseylaughpoundfist: new users.

Healthiest rDrama relationship


!superheroes we sre so fricking back (maybe forward too!) :marseydream:

Reported by:
  • XD : someone told me to paste things so i pasted things
why does my notifications page look like this :marseyconfused2:
What the FRICK id this rebrabding?!


:platysniper: :platydealwithit:I'm:marseyshark:the BEST around!! Top Poster bitches!!! :!platydomjanny: :platylol:

!superheroes this is fricking how we win, motherlover!

Grass Award Mastermind Dox

We should have a tick marsey or maybe a spirochete marsey for Lyme disease

Bussy-Boy and Eggs


Reported by:
  • Arran : whiniest njgger in existence
  • Horned_waifus_shill : clique garbage
  • EvilUbie : There are dramatards, and then there are dramaturds. :marseyviewerstare2:
  • HailVictory1776 : Lawlz has always sucked and been a weird Twitter redditoid you dumb cute twink
  • BimothyX2 : The only person on your list actually worth anything is snally
  • HOTEP : Arran failed no n word November
  • Lv95_Slime : Great job Arran, you fricking r-slur
  • MyVacuum : World's tiniest :violin: for you
  • DickButtKiss : Had to get rid of em'
What are we even fighting for???

JESUS FRICKING CHRIST look at our casualties.

  • Snally - The whole concept of the effortpost is from her. Unironically changed my life.

  • AcidOverBasic - You f-slurs never even noticed, she was one of our best.

  • MasterLawlz - If you don't get why he's funny then you don't get us.

  • Ed_ButteredToast - There's a few strains that somehow have been preserved through our culture. The gay stuff through Joan. And the Ed stuff through me.

  • HeyMoon - Epic ops against rightoid tards.

  • TwoSnakesMating - He knew about Ovid so I loved him.

I'm done with this. TBQH aevann & carp you know what I mean. I just want to die.

@Nightcrawler you don't get that some of us were born for another purpose. You think I'm joking.


I think I found Eurasian Tiger's account here

There's only so much you ironically thirst post :marseyraging:

Do tell. Show me the last 5 "thirst posts" I've made and what race they are, since you keep such close track of me. :marseysmug2:

Any post mentioning Asia is tantamount to thirsting :marseymegaphone: 🗣🗣🗣 :marseyseethe:

Okay. Bring it. Let's see what this reveals about me:

Redactor's Yellow Fever on Trial!

Here you go. She's the one with cult weirdos around her and the sinking ship. The National Intelligence Service was originally called the Korean CIA.

It sounds pretty stupid and half-assed to me. As far as I can tell they were just posting on internet forums, IIRC sometimes doing false flag stuff where they pretend to be on the other side and say something offensive. Dumb boomers didn't understand that you can do this all day and it's still a drop in the bucket of opinions on the internet.

Korean politics.

KPA Unit 810

They did this even before the Korean War. They would announce that Unit #### had won a great victory. It may be true, but you have no idea if it's a platoon or a division.

Obscure late 1940s Korean history.

I've read multiple people who mention that you were totally safe in the Korean sector. Some thought they must have some secret deal with the Viet Cong. Yeah, the deal was, if you don't shoot at anyone we won't burn down your village with you in it.

You often hear it claimed that really this is counterproductive and you've got to use counter-insurgency tactics and win their hearts and minds and all that. You ever notice that this is how every other country on Earth operates? Is it because all of them stupid? No, it's because retaliating against civilians works. I wish it didn't, but that's just how the world works.

The Koreans had a lot of experience with guerillas even before the war. During the war lots of communist guerillas and North Korean troops were cut off in the southwest of the country, a traditionally rebellious province. They fled into mountains and kept up the fight, drawing many South Korean troops from the front to fight them. When the war ended they had no place go so they still kept fighting. It took until 1957 to completely wipe them out. So when they went to Vietnam, I imagine they must have taken with them the lessons they learned from that war. Which apparently includes killing lots of civilians.

Lengthy discussion of how counter-guerilla operations by the ROKs in Jeolla-do in the 1950s might have informed their conduct in South Vietnam.

If I was a Korean who did my 18 months of national service staring out into the DMZ, I would figure I've done enough against the North Koreans and maybe some of those Ukrainian draft dodgers should do their part.

Comparison of conscription laws for men in Korea vs. Ukraine.

The universal draft is a huge part of the life of every Korean man and their family.

Only trans-Korean. That's about the easiest phrase to possibly understand. It's just "where [are you] going"

Guy asking Johnny Somali where he's going before he gets the shit beat out of him. I think this pretty self-explanatory.

The Korean guy keeps saying "Where are you going?"

See above.

Please name the Korean 1400s Neoconfucian philisopher Yi Teongye when you quote him. :marseysmughipskorean:

Replying to @JimieWhales:

Heavy is the hand that hoists the mop. :marseydemopped:

This is a joke where I'm pretending this is some profound truth about the world she's just revealed. I knew I had a bookmark to to Yi Teongye's 1500s (not 1400s :marseyrain:) totally incomprehensible Neo-Confucian work To Become a Sage so I used that as my asian mumbo jumbo.

Costco was actually usable at lunch today

A Korean who goes to Costco on a daily basis. :marseyshook:

Replying to @KoreanTurkeyKing about going to Costco, a place that asian people love. Not really high brow, but worth a chuckle. I guess if you delve into my subconscious motivations for this, I was probably trying to demonstrate that I know a little about being in a Korean family. This both shows that we're kind of on the same team and also shows that I care enough about him and his people (Korean-Americans with moms who dragged them to CostCo all the time) that I learned about this.


Non-Korean detected.

Mission critical. Craft under attack. Craft, shields down!

[The joke is that it's "oppa" for some reason."]

That last part is actually a quote. I must have been really wasted. "Mission critical. Craft under attack. Craft, shields down!" refers to the classic 1995 game TIE Fighter. I must have been almost asleep at the time.

Look I'm relapsing and my liver is giving out (you might undesrstand) :marseylaugh:

A story from a guy I knew. He's driving trucks in the Korean War. He's got a cargo of dead Americans in the back. And this is Korea so there's a hell of a lot of turns in the road. And each time he hears their blood splashing around. So any time I hear any fucking pinko complain about how maybe we haven't given North Korea enough chances yet.

The first part is, again, me having a bad night. (This is over the course of a month.)

The second part, yeah, I knew this guy. Combat engineer. True story.

I lost all interest in the Mandalorian when they brought back the baby

So the low Korean birth rates aren't cultural, it's because they just don't like kids... :marseynotes:

A pretty fair response. Who doesn't like Baby Yoda? I fucking hate almost everything Star Wars post 1982 but Baby Yoda was awesome. Maybe you kids will learn when you're older.

I commissioned it from @JoyceScaryOates.

IIRC it was based on the original unamused marsey :marseyunamused: plus my Joseon marsey :marseyjoseon:. They did the real work, I just came up with the concept.

Not to toot my own horn but the entire concept of marseys beyond the original 20 goes back to me making one a medieval Korean.

And even before that me and Ed doing a thing.

This refers to :marseysmughipskorean:, the nicest gift anyone ever gave to me. Joyce could be white, she could be asian, she could be anything. All I know is I love her to death for this (and everything else she does around here).

I accidentally closed the tab where I kept track of what day it is but this is like 20+ days.

Do I have yellow fever? Or are you just an incel?

!meta !asians !volcels

:marseyunpettable: :marseyhitler2: :hitlerapproved:


Kill yt but not him

Reported by:
  • LOFI-CARP : you are so fricking weak you disgust me. Fitting for a Jew
Euros and other third worlders, how do you manage to use the site?

I'm currently in a third world shithole and it takes like two minutes to load a page here. How do you guys manage from Europe? @Merryvann

something "fishy" is going on (carp)

I have never won either of these things but now I win them both in less than 24 hours? I think Elon is interfering with normal and proper rdrama operations.


Showed some of my interactions with dramafoids to an irl friend and this was her response
Average conversation with a dramafoid


Reported by:
  • Fresh_Start : The top rated shitpos on forwardsfromklandma are better than our shitposts.
  • BirdTurkler : youre a moron for trying to explain your actions, just do what you need to & leave everyone confused
To be clear about why I gave @TouchFluffyTails 30 shit awards

He posted an ai marsey :marseyfallenangel: of a an underage :marseynominers: girl based :marseychadretardtrump: on Marsey :marseyunithecat: doing despicable things.

I do not believe :marseyparappa: "it's AI" is an acceptable excuse.

!mods please :marseypleading2: talk to this man, @TouchFluffyTails. Underage :marseynominers: AI marsey :marseyfallenangel: gangbang :marseydramaorgy: content :marseyspongebobsmug: is very disgusting.

89 blocked in the UAE

Was here 2 weeks ago, it worked, now it doesn't.

OFFICIAL JANNY MEMO is now a Donald Trump MAGA website. Please submit sidebar images. They don't have to be OC.

!the_donald !chuds


Kiwi farms' rdrama thread is basically like, 5 posters from here lol


That's insane. No way am I going to be able to scroll through all that, I need to sleep. I'm probably missing out on a bunch of primo posting, FOMO is a b-word.


NOTE: For some reason reddit takes this seriously so keep in mind that clicking the "Get Them Help" button may flag your account. You may get some whiny letter about harassment at least. Do it anyway, because people react bizarrely very strongly to the usage of this button.

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