please listen to this song i wrote

okay so this one is pretty minor but basically what happened is there this was guy who i guess wrote a shitty song or whatever, but he kept spamming it to so many modmails. now here's the thing about reddit. on reddit you can view modmails from shadowbanned users so it didn't matter that this guy was getting shadowbanned because he'd just keep going

there were probably at least a few thousand modmails and dozens of posts sent out and it was pretty much to the same tune each time

at some point we stickied it on /r/Drama as a joke has a kinda joke but i can't find the post right now

edit: here's the /r/Drama thread

also in the thread people insult /u/KaaraRaven

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>I'm sitting here watching Lindsey Ellis videos

Proof this isn't sincere in the first line - nobody watches Nostalgia Chick.

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