US population pyramid 1933-2020 :marseyflagus: :marseychartviolin:




Also !nooticers, I want you to nootice specifically the female excess of seniors citizens. It is commonly stated that foids live more than moids, however in the pre-1950 pyramid there's no gender gap. Post 1950 there's an excess mortality among men leading to a female excess among the 50+ which becomes more pronounced by the 1970s. What happened?

Bonus for the chuds who want the racial composition pyramid :marseyrepostsign: from 1900-2020

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Doesn't look as bad as most western countries

China's looks like a shovel, giant old section and thin section of working people supporting it

Black population stayed pretty static, latinx is a nonsense invention "Oh your great grandpa spoke Spanish? Guess you're special and different than all the other Anglophones"

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