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Why do people hate AOS? :: Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Storm Ground General Discussions




Age of Sigmar's lore is more weird than anything else. Why not bring tomb kings back as living golden rulers of a restored kingdom?

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Cuz it is uber generic shit tier convoluted world building - infinitely more boring than MagicTG strags world

Whereas 40K somehow turned its edgelord grimdork setting to such an extreme, that it circled :marseyouroboros: :marseyhorseshoe: to being cool again

in comparison any fricking Warhammer fantasy art could be exchanged with virtually any other generic mid 2000s game or book art it and it would be :marseypamsame:

Whereas 40K servitors and mehcnicus tier shit is unique

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If you're going to mulch up the warhammer fantasy world into this weird nonsense at least make it more interesting the the boring stormcast eternals. This is a perfect opportunity to do some weird shit like mentioning there are hidden cities at every tech level imaginable all over the place and multiple worlds got mulched . Whatever minituare you have can be used. Every dead ip Games Workshop owns should have a place and they should buy any dead gamelines they can get dirt cheap to add in. Imagine stumbling on weird rebuilt American style cities combined with elven culture.

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