
My favourite comments: suddenly its OK to decide who is and isnt a woman

Boston Dynamics reveals its new generation "Atlas" robot :marseysnappyenraged2:

Manufacturing Bliss: the Bay Area is rediscovering the jhanas :marseyhacker2: :marseymonk: :marseyhypno:



New Soyzgesagt video !spacechads

World's First SCREW-BIKE
I made a graph of San Francisco police salaries : sanfrancisco

Groomercord is gay corposlop on a centralized server with shitty paywalled features. IRC was leagues ahead in terms of aesthetics, protocol and trout

Cool handles? Mandatory.

Autism? Mandatory.


New 'side


Just a reminder that everything is terrible and consuming product only brings pain

Does anyone else remember watching Alien Planet?

Debating whether this should be here or in /h/kino. The beginning scene is burned into my memory, as well as most scenes where a new creature is introduced.


Also brigade! Brigade! Brigade!


So here's the link to her video. Basically she says became a physicist back in the 90s filled with idealism, says she's against female only scholarships as she got one and :marseypikachu2: her colleagues doubted her suitability due to that. Then she talks about how most of her job (and that of academic physicists in general) is limited to writing useless papers or using PhD and post Doc students to write said papers with your name in order to get more grants while being dissuaded from doing research in the fields you're interested at.

The reddit threads :#soysnoo2:

She's already done some sketchy vids in hot topics beyond her expertise.

Her vids about Trans people for example, in which she speaks about ROGD as though it's a real medical phenomenon.

TERFdom is a massive canary in the coalmine for influencers/commentators

At this point it's a great litmus test of guru-dom, whether or not they have an strong opinion on trans issues. It's like a pound shop version of the gurometer.


I predict that in the future she will 1.Talk worse about academia and academics 2.Talk more about american politics (fox news stuff) 3.At some point she will start simping for some capitalist

:#marseypearlclutch: :#soycry:

Sabine rapidly descending down the grifter pipeline


As long as she's talking about real science and doing it accurately, how is she a grifter? Because she accepts money from sponsors?

Aye, this one not so much! More the ones where she talks about… capitalism? And other topics she doesn't have expertise in

Yeah the capitalism video was quite stupid

:#soyreddit: :#marseycomradecry:

!anticommunists !neolibs

Bonus on her capitalism video

Breadtubers DEBOOOONKING :#soyjakfat:


In another episode of their self-enforced world ending session, the :marseysmoothbrain: of /r/climatechange debate whether doomerism is even desirable

The writing is on the wall. If some people cope with that through nihilism or however else you want to define doomerism, that's their prerogative. Gen Z has been brought up with previously unimaginable access to information, lived through a pandemic during our formative years, and a lot of us are entering the workforce with no hope for being able to afford a house, family, or even basic necessities. And it is not likely to get much better for us financially, as far as I can tell. Doomerism is here to stay, at least for awhile. In my view, it's a coping mechanism.

:#zoomertearstalking: zoomers again are the most disadvantaged generation in human history

It's a grief coping mechanism for when people think they have no power.

It's not a permanent state but it is toxic, don't give into it.

Sounds reasonable, let's see the replies

no. that is not a factual assessment of the situation or the reaction to it.

We are doomed. facts don't care about our desire for hope.

It isn't hysteria. The world's major governments were warned we needed to be almost done transitioning away from fossile fuels by 92. they reacted by increasing production and use dramatically. the gulf stream is dying, the oceans are warming very rapidly. and we haven't seen the results of the massive loss of permafrost yet.


Unless we are rapidly transitioning to a socialist economic system and radically cutting our emissions through lifestyle changes and stopping the use of nonrenewable energy sources, I'm not sure what you count as progress.

:#soynotyping: climate change? :#marseystonetoss:

Here /r/environment discusses le 57 companies cause climate change

Surprisingly they're not swallowing what the Guardian journos write

How are goods and services traded in the solar punk utopia?

In some proposed anarchist systems, contracts that basically outline any duties you have in your community as well as the benefits you get from that community, so you do your duties and than head off to the food depot (which can look more or less just like a modern grocery store or farmers market or what have you) and they just take whatever food they need, no currency exchange, and farmers grow that food because they can also benefit from free goods and services in that community. This system functioned even during war time in Catalonia during WW2, where currency was forgone for organized unions sharing resources in absence of a top down hierarchical government, and could probably be improved over time as more people lived within it and gave input.

Again with Catalonia :#marseyeyeroll:

We can be confident about what isn't solarpunk - fast fashion, proof of work, things that are wasteful of resources and harmful to the environment.

But we can't definitively say what's most solarpunk in either fashion or economics. Because solarpunk is local, anarchistic, and community focused, and in both cases communities should develop (or recover from precapitalist days) the customs that meet their particular needs.

Money is both uninteresting and trivial to solve. People have had this solved for thousands of years, using anything that denotes debt. That's what money is, an IOU.

People have written what they owe on clay tablets, on papyrus, they have used seashells, carved rocks, beads, etc and it's all worked relatively well. With electronic record keeping (NOT BLOCKCHAIN) , it's super simple to record everything and share those records.

With or without a post-scarcity reality (I'm not holding out for a Star Trek replicator), money isn't hard to create and use.

Dude there's no need for currency, we'll do what the ancient egyptians and Mesopotamians did but with electronics :#soyjakfront:

!neolibs !anticommunists


This is a good alternate scene !trekkies!

James C. Scott on the Golden Age of Barbarians
Sinfest and the Jews


Savage Dragon is the first comic property to degenerate into straight-up porn

Journey to Sark: the 'time warp' town stuck in the Middle Ages
Demonic :marseykitti: alchemy


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