Half Dome Cable :marseyrca: Rescue




>He was descending when someone above him dropped :marseyautismcap: a cellphone :marseyphonecall: or something. He tried to grab it and started sliding. He finally stopped the slide on some small :marseytiny1: toe hold. He couldn't move without sliding :marseyslipperyslope: more; he was stuck. The quick :marseyagreewarpspeed: thinking :marseythonk: of the people there :marseycheerup: (which included his sister :marseykrayongrouns: and some friends) and the heroic actions of James :marseymetokur: Williams saved his life.

>The hiker went off the trail to pick something :marseysmugface: up and slipped down the rock until he got caught :marseyflirt: there :marseycheerup: on his back in that crevice. (about an 8,000 ft drop below) My cousin took off running :marseychaser: down the trail to find help while my cousin-in-law James :marseymetokur: Williams came up with this plan to use the cable :marcusrcaconnected: as a rope by pulling :marseynocrown: each pole out and swinging it over. He could not swing :marseypendulumright: the cable :marseyrcaconnectingfast: over by himself :marseytedbackstab: (these poles are very heavy :marseysac: and made of metal) so with the help of other hikers below, they were able to swing :marseypendulumright: it over to the man so he could grab it and walk safely back.

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