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I literally cannot even fathom what kind of sad, angry little 20 something year old sociopath you'd have to be to actually write something like that out and post it onto a public forum about something incredibly heart wrenching for fun and entertainment. Bless you.


I love how he has no problem spending $80 on the food but leaving a respectable $5 tip is out of the question. Congratulations instead of wasting $85 he wasted $80.:


You are just figuring out why we say no tip no trip. Another $5 isn't going to break them and if it does they don't need to spend $80 for take out:

If you can spend 80 bucks, you can give a tip or you can get it your darn self:

If they can afford to pay all that, they can afford to tip. Fricking buttholes:

you people are desperate. instead of taking $3 orders that ur basically breaking even on if not losing money why don't u get a job at McDonald's for $17 an hr lol:

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