The taquitos cuck has returned to Caleb Hammer :marseycalebhammer: :marseyletsfuckinggo2:

I have completely lost interest in Hammer's shtick, this feels like either a bit or an act of desperation, but I'm all for it :marseypopcorn:

If you're unfamiliar this is this guy. Very much worth watching, peak Caleb Hammer content. A mentally ill and highly delusional Onlyfans subscriber and journ*list who got a felony conviction for threatening to eat the heart of a Republican politican. Lives off his parents at 41 and refuses to get a job he thinks is below his station. Invented the "taquitos" meme by suggesting that gas station taquitos were an economic daily meal but ramen was not


He is back after allegedy sending death threats and dressed like an African housekeeper for some reason. Immediately challenges Caleb on having no business degree and requests a boxing match

At 5:50 Caleb says bussy :marseysoypoint2#:

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