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A dramatard did my tarot reading. How do we think he did? I asked if nurse Ernesto and I would be a thing 💕💋

I did your reading

I turned over 1 card for you and 1 card turned into 3, it happens sometimes. The wheel of Fortune card was the 1st accident so I'm going to read them in that order

Probably an accident but just in case we are going to assume the fates want to tell you more than if homeboy is your soul mate. We'll answer that question and delve a little deeper. These 3 cards signify you in the recent past, you presently and finally what's instore you in the near future

It's hard doing this without knowing much about you but here goes.

DECK: Thoth

Card 1: wheel of fortune(open). This card Is supposed to represent your past

How i was taught "open" means the significance of the card is much more open to interpretation, inuding mine. Open is a mystery and is there to be challenged

Fortune is a card often assumed as a positive. here it is open(upside down) and I think it represents the idea that maybe you don't recognize the vaguarities of life and how truly rare your existence is. Maybe be more engaging with new situations and new people and get used to new experiences because they are good for you, they are how you learn. Realize that the randomness of life is neither positive or negative only our response is.

you've been comfortable for awhile and comfort is good but if you want to continue to grow allow those people/situations/opportunities that challenge you to have a say in your decisions going forward.

Card 2: queen of disks(closed) this card is supposed to represent you at this time. Closed means a more direct interpretation

You're a good friend. You see people coming and aren't surprised by their actions. You recognize impulse and try not to judge too much. You take interest in those you hold close and quickly see there enemies as yours. You are industrious and do well in a male dominated work place. You're also super sexual and fight with the idea of mixing your sexual needs with your career because you work a lot and it's hard to meet worthwhile people in the bar scene or whatever scenes you know that exist outside of your occupation. You also like to get fricked up. You have control over your substance use, its not abuse yet, yet. Substance use and s*x are 2 things you need to master. You can do without drugs/alcohol but you need intamcy. Continue to go in a direction that leads to something you'll be proud of. You're not ever done, don't ever settle. This directly ties into the last card, don't settle for what you have even if you're comfortable. There is nothing wrong with you. Your ability to forget people just means you can focus your love

Card 3: queen of swords (closed). This is your future, eh

There is not much I can say Here. You are going to get exactly what you ask for in the end. You have been blessed with intellect, you know what is right and wrong and I can't predict your future any more than you can, although if you've fallen in love and are still in love at this point then I can tell you that that love is going t last longer than anything you expected.


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>You're also super sexual and fight with the idea of mixing your sexual needs with your career

Okay so he's saying we're gonna bone

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Wait, you told me fricking nurses was a path to disaster?

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There's no ernesto, you're just a whore

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Tarot reader looking deep into Frozen's fate:


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Wheel of fortune upside down: your good luck is going to turn bad. Buckle up, because you're in for some shit.

Queen of peepees: There will be :!marseytrain:s in your future, beware. Alternatively, someone may invite you to play frisbee.

Queen of swords: Next week you'll cut your finger while cooking.

That'll be $30 please.

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This is acutaually accurate

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Female nonsense

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What does this mean :marseyill:

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THATS WHAT IM ASKING. I just want to know if I should give Ernesto my personal number 😩 I'm /r/limerence af rn

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Dont do it. Tell him to give you his personal number and then give it to me, my queen.

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Shoot your shot, that way you have no regrets

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@Spraynard_Kruger I'm going to take this as a yes.

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You're also super sexual

Tell us more.


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You are not “anti-work” if you reproduce.

Why would you condemn your child to be a wage slave? Essentially, you are just contributing to the problem by creating more people to be exploited. Or even worse the future adult human has the money and power to exploit other people!

Please think logically and be realistic. Do not create more lives to gamble with.

Peace & love ❤️

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