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Things to improve today :marseyclueless: #1

I finished :marseysunglasseson: reaching the point :marseyroses: where :marseydrama: I do not get distracted anymore and am hitting upon all the parts of my daily :marseydose: routine.

So now we are on to refining things.

Things to improve today:

1. Put deeper effort :marseymissing: into learning Python

2. Start reading :marseymoreyouknow: up on how to train :marseyrubberhosetraintrack: dogs

3. Find out how to get the leaking pipe repaired

4. Talk to neighbor :marseyfrickyou2: about how the street :marseyryu: dog seemed ready :marseyexcited: to attack :marseybackstabtrans: a child :marseychildcatcher: and to see if they can get the dogs neutered now

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Spez: I have been working for you for years, for free. I get abused, harassed, threatened, insulted, given death threats, my family insulted and threatened with harm and death, my personal info found and leaked, stalked, I have to see some of the most horrible shit there is and all to keep YOUR website running.

Where is our compensation? If you want to talk about things being fair and equitable, about how people have been expecting things to be free for too long and now it's time to pay the piper, where is OUR pay? I'll take cash, bank transfer, PayPal, or certain goods.

You can't have it both ways, so pay up.

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