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I need to hurt women and it never goes away.

It's not even a sexual thing. I can have jerked off 3 times in the past hour and be drunk :marseydrunk: enough that I can't get erect or stand up straight and I still can't stop wanting to experience women being in pain. There's something very wrong with me. I've drunk 300 ml of vodka in the past hour and I'm still capable of typing fine and thinking ahead enough to be eating food and drinking water to mitigate tomorrow's hangover and I still want to beat women :marseydomesticabuse:. There's no hope for me, it's over. :marseyitsover:

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Origin story of the vigilante superhero Thot Patroller. He has the uncanny ability to gain strength when fighting foids. He prowls Sephoras and Forever 21s to fight shoplifters. He goes around in Coachella to beat up foids that wear culturally appropriating costumes. He guards the gyms and pimp smacks the whores that keep making selfies on the gym equipment.

His arch nemesis is the :marseytrain: Janny. Thot Patroller's powers don't work for him because he's not actually a woman. Will Thot Patroller hone his hate enough that his powers also affect tranbominations? Find out on Thot Patroller Issue #2.

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