Should I fire my pool guy tomorrow (NYE) or wait until next week after the holiday? Determine how I treat a moid ITT.

Unlike most girl bosses, I am actually a girl boss.

I have a pool guy to take care of the pool. He has been with me for 1.5 years. Quality was great for the first 6-8 months, then it went to meh but not bad. Within the last few months, quality has gone to shit. Bless his little moid heart, he keeps telling me he has other clients. Moids are not bright though and he thinks I'm a housewife and won't notice that his invoices are incremented by 1 every time. I'm obviously his only client, so he should be kissing my butt. In the last few months, he told me that his grandma died, he was in the hospital, and he was moving. I know when contractors do these things, they aren't into it anymore. When they lose interest, quality goes to shit.

The panel on my pool says the SWG isn't producing chlorine. This is a problem. I waited for him to say something, but he hasn't. This is the last straw, so now I must fire him. Some might say I should say something, but I like toying with my moids before firing them. I was testing him and he failed.

What should I do rdrama? Should I be a royal c*nt and do it tomorrow when I pay his last invoice or should I wait until Wednesday or something? I gotta do it by next week before he comes out again.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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He was probably expecting to be fired months ago and has been laughing with his buddies about stringing you alone while drinking a camo Busch beer.

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