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Why can women never just give you an address? They always try (and fail) to give you step by step directions

My sister wants me to go to the home depot. Not a home depot, the home depot. She either does not know or simply refuses to tell me the address instead giving me land marks.

But I never drive in that city so I don't know any of the land marks, so she tries to give me directions to the landmarks so I can follow other directions to different land marks so I can go tot the store she wants, all instead of just telling me where I'm going.

A short example

:marseyzoomer: Where is it?

You know where the walmart is? :marseyfoidretard:

:marseyzoomer: No

Yes you do! We used to go there all the time. It's next to where the lvno used to be :marseyfoidretard:

:marseyzoomer: I don't know

Well you go to the self storage place, drive up to lights and then take a left :marseyfoidretard:

:marseyzoomer: What self storage?

The self storage! :marseyfoidretard:

:marseyzoomer: Just give me an address and I'll use the GPS!

Omg just take dad he knows where it is :marseyfoidretard:

As it turns out: Dad did not know where it was.

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Just use a GPS? This is like a 20 year old message board post

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Just use a GPS?


Otherwise I just go to the nearest store and god forbid if that one doesn't have the right coat racks on sale today

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You can just search for the home depot and if you're concerned about an item being in stock you can check the website and/or call :boomermonster:

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