>tfw when you get the perfect day to celebrate in the summer thanks to a bunch of dudes 248 years ago who fought and died because they simply hated the British so much :mutthappytantrum: :patrioticscreeching:

It's a wonderful country I live in, no? I mean, I do have more than a few greviances towards the way this nation operates thee days…but in the end, how much does that really matter? After all, I've been privileged to a comfortable life, in a nation of grand natural beauty, diverse selections of fantastic cuisine and beverage, endless opportunities to do whatever you want…and basically, a unique and special sort of freedom that so many across the globe are jealous of - then, now, and forever!

But hey, I'm not here to be sappy. All I just want to say is…Happy Birthday, USA!


(I hope you appreciate the Half All-American sexy leg :marseythestrippa: 😘)

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