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:marseytrumpfistpump: Trump says he won't do another debate because he won too hard and it wouldn't be sporting



!trump2024 !khive

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Do we think he believes this himself? :marseychadretardtrump:

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you know he does, if he actually believed he got beat he'd want to go again and all his staffers couldn't keep him from doing so

he's a lot of things but he's not a coward


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he's a lot of things but he's not a coward


Lmao even


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  • eva_isaKONG : enjoy the billion dollar lawsuit. and your AIDS. you have AIDS

Why are you posting AI pictures?


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tbh cowardice comes in many forms. Trump might not be afraid of bullets but he's still a coward: he doesn't know how to face responsibility.

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Absolutely women-coded comment.

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If so, it's because women respect a man who can face responsibility, and detect the weakness of, well, you.

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Too bad they can't detect themselves out of single motherhood then

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@pizzashill tag-in

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If you can ignore or escape it, you're not actually responsible. It's the law.

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BIPOC literally got shot and was like "when's the next rally b-word"

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It's like he really has no self-preservation instinct. Gets shot, immediately stands up for a photo op. Shittalks North Korea on Twitter, walks in like he owns the place. God, imagine if he was a bit smarter.

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North Korea wasn't gonna do shit to him at the DMZ lol. I bet they were pooping themselves when he stepped over to the north side knowing if anything happened to him at that very moment they'd get fricking glassed.

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Nothing bad has ever really happened to him so his behavior kind of makes sense in that regard

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If he wasn't r-slurred he wouldn't be like that tho, it's the whole point

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I agree with Carp. Maybe when he was more cowardly when he was younger, but at this point he really doesn't seem to have a good sense of self preservation. Like he's not really brave in the classically virtuous sense, but neither is a rodeo bull

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Kamala won't do a single interview without walz holding her hand. Don't talk about cowardice, b-word

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Mmm delicioso debate cope


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Debates don't matter this far out from the actual election. Trump lost all his debates to Hillary.

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Bone spurs :#marseycool2:

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But he is a sore loser.

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He's never lost. :#marseysmughips:

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If we're being honest it was another debate which probably changed nobody's minds. Twatter had a few people doing the "after last night I can't vote for Drumpf" act, but check their bios and they're all raving DNC campaigners. The astroturfing is real.

Perhaps Trump is confident because they're expecting an October Surprise. Could be good drama. If not he's simply r-slurred, which again isn't a surprise.

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If he thought he won he'd want to dunk on her again 😂 you think if he won he'd actually think "ah but it's too unsportsmanlike to dunk on my opponent" 😂😂

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Do we think he believes this himself?

A malignant narcissist does not have the same kind of believe/disbelieve relationship with reality that most people have.

  • a truth-teller believes that there is, in some capacity, an objective empirical real truth that they know something about , and they want to convey the true thing that they know to you, so that you will share their understanding, knowledge, or perspective.

  • a liar also believes that there is some kind of objective truth or empirical reality, and their goal is to deceive you or to conceal that truth from you.

  • a narcissist neither believes in nor cares about any kind of objective, empirical, or external reality. Their whole awareness, all of it, is consumed by their own fragile self-image, and all they care about is what you believe about them. Truth and falsehood are not meaningful concepts to them, which is why they are so difficult to treat, and sometimes considered incurable.

If you try to get them to agree upon any kind of baseline shared-consensus reality, they will do so when it suits them and then deny it five minutes later and call you a liar and a dupe, because they are not interacting with you as though you are a separate human being interacting with a shared reality, they see you like a video game NPC who they have to figure out the right prompts to get what they want out of.

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I can't decide if this is :marseyretardchad:, :marseycope:, or intervention by someone in his campaign with a side of :marseyretardchad:. I'm going to be so mad if he gets 25thed for surplus dementia and we end up with 1-3 years of fricking President Vance

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which part of trumps behavior over the last ~30 years tells you that he wouldn't?

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Trumps main mistake was mentioning terminally online arguments like Haitians eating cats or Aurora, something average murican won't know, which is what caused the Dems to just spam the clips of this everywhere to make fun of him. Other than that he won the debate overall.

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Well he would never admit defeat either way

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Every Poll has us WINNING, in one case, 92-8

[citation needed]

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it's a poll on truth social.

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8% of trvth social wondering why theres so many magats on their site:


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$15 a share and its still overvalued.

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yeah that's about as useful as asking on /r/politics who won the debate.

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Probably Nate Silver. That guy has ALWAYS exaggerated Trump's numbers because he's so right-wing.

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Nate Bronze is paid off. Trust the plan, patriqts.

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was that the Mar-a-lago poll? lol

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Every Poll has us WINNING


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Translation: i got dunked so bad my campaign banned me from another debate

All of the data points to a trump loss. The fact this guy is this deluded and was ever allowed in the WH is shocking.

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As carp said, I don't know if trump could be stopped from doing another debate if he really wanted to. And it's not that unbelievable for someone to think they've won a debate they haven't.

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Narcissistic people dont view themselves or their actions realisitically. Trump absolutely believes he won in his own way, even if he knows the majority of other people do not agree. Those other people are wrong and he is right so it doesnt matter that they think he lost.

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he won handily from the half hour i watched


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Yeah he did good in the beginning but lost it towards the end which nobody watches but wingnats anyway.

In a week the haitian story will be verified and we'll all be forced to deny it

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Did you just watch the 1st half hour?

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yes then i got bored, turned it off and played no mans sky !nms


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His adderall wore off after about 40 minutes and he turned into an /h/chudrama poster

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was clutching my head half the time and aisha actually said i should play nms so i would stop complaining

was talking to a coworker and they couldn't sit through the first 30 min either


May Marsey Ta'aevann rectify our affairs. Marseummarhamna bil Bussy 'azeem. :marseyakbar:https://i.rdrama.net/images/169731781958969.webp

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That doesn't explain all the cope though

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The guy claims won 92-8% in a poll lmao, where is that poll? He clearly made that up.

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If he thought he won he'd want to dunk on her again 😂 you think if he won he'd actually think "ah but it's too unsportsmanlike to dunk on my opponent" 😂😂

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Is this BIPOC actually copy pasting his cope posts


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If he thought he won he'd want to dunk on her again 😂 you think if he won he'd actually think "ah but it's too unsportsmanlike to dunk on my opponent" 😂😂

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Arent you the guy who works as a janitor at Publix?

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Eh, it's still a tossup (assuming the polls aren't awful like in 2016 or 2020).

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Did you watch the debate? I didn't.

Did she really win as bad as everyone says? Be honest.

For the past few days, I've been toying with the idea of voting Harris to spite Anthony Cumia, his brother, and his supporters. If I can cite Trump's debate performance (or lack thereof) to justify this decision, then that would make this decision easier.

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I would say it was one of the most lopsided debates i've seen lol.

The guy got destroyed

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Alright. I trust you. (not being sarcastic)

All my family is voting Harris (that might surprise people since we're all white southerners). I was never going to vote Trump, but it was a tossup between that and casting a blank vote.

If she's competent enough to stand up to that dipshit, then I guess I might as well vote for her.

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I watched it and I wouldn't really call her competent. When was asked to answer any real policy questions it was unbearable. :marseypop2:

She was however very good at winding him up and baiting him into acting like a complete r-slur. She wrecked him in the debate no question, I'm just not sure if "competent" is the right take away

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I said this earlier, but she would have been destroyed by a competent opponent. Baiting him and poking at his ego was smart, but she didn't say anything with substance, straight up did not answer questions, and was grating to listen to at certain points (get this, get this :marseyeyeroll:)

Both choices this year blow which is why I am write-in voting for Marsey :marseyexcited:

Or maybe just write in a bunch of expletives. Haven't decided yet :marseyhmmm:

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Nate silver disagrees but keep on coping

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Nate silver called it a big win for kamala

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It doesn't mean it will affect the election

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Normally debates dont, but when one is a schizo old man yelling about cats.

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All his points were valid tho. Kamala literally did say she wants to :marseytrain2: out illegals in prison, for example. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17261533574838982.webp Kamala is basically the parody of a woke psycho but the moderators let her lie like crazy regardless

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Trump came off as completely r-slurred lmao.

Like there is no spinning this, donald trump lost that debate horribly.

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Trump was Trump. Same as ever, but sure whatever makes you feel better

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Hes at +0 or -1 which is a win with the electoral college. I do admit he shat the bed on the debate and should have asked about her economic plan even though everyone knows the economy is totally great right now :marseyagreefast:

But Trump can spout conspiracy theories and kamala is like three cackles away from losing

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Where did Trump take the 92-8 poll?


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Not west TX because I was over at my dads house today helping with some household chores. He lives in a very rural area of a very red state, Texas. At the end of the work we went to one of the nearby country bars. It's the kind of place that farmers, truckers, legit cowboy boot wearers and the working class go to unwind with a cold one.

Vice President Harris was on the TV and the local gun store owner said to his auto mechanic (friends since high school),

"You know what? She ain't so bad. The economy is recovering, nobody's rioting, and we're standing up on the world stage again. Can't believe I'm saying this but Ol' Oakland Kam's got my vote this year."

I looked around and all I saw were heads nodding in agreement. I heard a few calls of "Yes sir" and "Darn Straight" from the men around me. Even saw the lonely ball cap wearing farmer in the corner raised his drink with a nod.

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Now that's some advanced cope

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A lot of the leftists I see Irl pretty much agreee with this sentiment. Kamala is doomed.

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Leftists don't vote


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By "leftist", do you mean :palestineparrot: or :marseyridin2:? There's a lot of difference there.

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both really :shrug:

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Not really theyre mad all the time about problems their dude refuses to fix

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Trump :marseyusa: get rekt

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God I love this guy... he's almost at the level of performance art now. I wonder if after a hard day of being Public Trump, he blasts out a killer tweet like this as last task of the day, then wipes off the spray tan, loses the red tie, tussles his hair nest, settles down with a glass of nice scotch, and in a totally normal voice, is like: "Man, I hope I'm not being too obvious with this character, it's all just so absurd. Full credit to that Borat guy"

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DDR simply got tired of winning, like he's been saying since 2016. Don't go searching for false narratives libtard :marseyindignant:

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Now it's over.

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I didn't watch the debate and I feel like I missed nothing. Just another stupid catty back and forth paired with some gotcha questions. I watched the yankees lose and that somehow was better? :ishygddt:

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The debate was entirely worthless. Theres a few moments where kamala talks about hannibal lector and trump accuses of haitians of feasting on the cats of dogs of unsuspecting ohioans (on par for ohio).

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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Jan for president! :marseyprotestyes:

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Actually embarrassed for Trump. This is sad.

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"Because she can't party as hard as we can."


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when a Fighter :marseysword2: gets beaten :marseybattered: or knocked out, they get up and scream, "I DEMAND A REMATCH, I DEMAND A REMATCH!" Well, it's no different :marseyvenn3: with a Debate.

This sentence had me :marseyconfused2: :marseyinsane: for a good minute until I realized I think :marseyphilosoraptor: he forgot to say "they don't get up and scream"

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No, your first interpretation was correct. Kamala has been demanding a second debate. Trump argues this is because she lost so hard, not because she rekt him.

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Kamala :marseyridin2: has been demanding a second :marseygunnut: debate. Trump :marseyliberty: argues this is because she lost so hard, not because she rekt him.

That's how I interpret it too, but he's saying it'd be absurd for a loser :marseytomoko: to demand a rematch. Maybe :marseymight: I'm just overthinking this

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No he's saying that losers jump up and demand a rematch because "it was a lucky shot" or whatever. He's saying that's why Kamala is asking for a 2nd one and there's no point for him because he's already won.

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It's like goomblers who want to go double or nothing after they lose, because they're losers.

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Yeah. Kamala put up an embarrassing display. Useless wench.

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"Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even where there is no river."



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All he had to say was "You had your debate, you know where I stand, now I need to focus on my concept of a plan to fix this country."

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