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The mean-spirited and small-minded ignorance on this thread is remarkable.

I'm a retired nonprofit CEO and I spent years working on solutions for homelessness; my organizations literally got 1,000's of people off the street, out of cars and cheap motels and into a healthier life where their underlying issues were addressed...

people in this thread don't disagree with you, they're just saying everybody becomes NIMBY when the camp is actually in their neighborhood. Do you live next to one of those camps?

...To answer your question about me, after decades of urban living, including lots of poor/homeless neighbors, I retired to the hills. I did my time in the trenches both personally and professionally, it took a big toll on me, my last years need to be quieter ones.

Like pottery. A well-off nonprofit CEO comes in to wring his hands over the "lack of empathy" while living comfortably away from the homeless after profiting from their existence for years. That's a lot of "empathy" he has for the poor people forced to live next to this shelter.

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He got paid six figures to have other people deal with issues

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"Being in politics is like being a football coach. You have to be smart enough to understand the game, and dumb enough to think it's important."



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