
:marseybongcoplaser:Oi got a loicense for that apple?!


!neolibs you know that regardless of this year's elections results he'll eventually run for office again and become the first homo President of the United States :#marseylgbtflag3: :#marseysalutepride:

Do you guys think Chasten is First Lady material? Wikipedia says he's a teacher.


Am I the only one who was able to get through over a decade of schooling while not paying attention(looking) or believeing anything I dod learn? Gee wiz! Redditards think everyone is a little parrot like them

Republicans line up to endorse Kamala Harris :marseysurejan:
Venezuela is a shithole and redditards cope
Blue texas

2000- Popular vote D+0.5, Texas R+21.3, Texas is 20.8% to the right of the nation

2004- Popular vote R+2.4, Texas R+22.9, Texas is 20.5% to the right of the nation

2008- Popular vote D+7.2, Texas R+11.8, Texas is 19% to the right of the nation

2012- Popular vote D+3.9, Texas R+15.8, Texas is 19.7% to the right of the nation

2016- Popular vote D+2.1, Texas R+9.0, Texas is 11% to the right of the nation

*2018- Popular vote D+8.6, Texas R+2.6, Texas is 11.2% to the right of the nation

2020- Popular vote D+4.5, Texas R+5.5, Texas is 10% to the right of the nation

*2022- Popular vote R+2.8, Texas R+10.8, Texas is 8% to the right of the nation

If Texas turns blue, Republicans will literally never win again. How are they planning to counter the current trend?

Watch as the Millennial :boomermonster: elders of r/neoliberal :marseysoylentgrin: become small c conservative :marseytrump: in real time.
Texas :marseytexan: closer than ever to turning blue
Fear-factor guy :marseygamer: causes mass seethe on :marseygroomer2:front page

>y'all can't behave


White Riot
EFFORTPOST Top 5 Donald Trump Smackdowns

Donald Trump's temperament has been a focal point of discussion throughout his career, particularly during his time as President of the United States. He has never been afraid to go after his political opponents based on truth or lies, their looks and their mannerisms. His style of rhetoric has ushered in a new era of politics that is mean and aggressive. Nothing is off the table.

He often employs a combative style when addressing both allies and adversaries, making frequent use of derogatory nicknames and sharp criticisms. This aggressive demeanor is evident in his public speeches, debates, and interactions with the media. While supporters view this as a sign of strength and a break from traditional political decorum, detractors see it as inflammatory and divisive.

Today, I'd like to look at Trump's most vitriolic moments.

Rosie O'Donnell

To call Rosie and Trump friends would be a blatant lie. The conflict started around 2006 when O'Donnell, a comedian and television personality, criticized Trump on her daytime talk show, The View. She mocked his role in the Miss USA pageant and questioned his business acumen. This public criticism seemed to ignite Trump's ire.

He called Rosie a slob, ugly on the inside and outside. He bragged about her failed magazine, and said she had a fat, ugly face. Hilariously, he said he'll send one of his friends to steal Rosie's gf from her.

You'd be in jail

The election race between Hillary Clinton and Trump was a barbed and tense one. Clinton aimed to become the first female President of the United States. Her campaign focused on building on the policies of the Obama administration, advocating for a range of progressive issues such as healthcare reform, women's rights, and climate change action. On the other hand, Trump's campaign was characterized by his "Make America Great Again" slogan, a focus on immigration reform, renegotiating trade deals, and a strong stance on law and order.

The debate between the two was heated, with Donald Trump constantly speaking over Clinton. There were several burns that came Hillary's way but the best was when Hillary said "It's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country" to which Trump replied: Because you'd be in jail.

Denied Handshake

During a meeting at the White House in March 2017, President Donald Trump appeared to ignore German Chancellor Angela Merkel's suggestion for a handshake while they were seated together for a photo op. The incident was widely covered by the media and led to much speculation.

Some analysts speculated that it might have been a deliberate snub, reflecting the strained relations between the two leaders at the time. Trump and Merkel had different views on various issues, including immigration, trade, and NATO.

Your Mother's Voting for Trump

Trump's rallies are known for their high energy, but not everyone is a fan of them. They attract protestors who oppose Trump's rhetoric which they deem xenophobic and racist. On one event, a protestor appeared and Trump told him to go back to mommy before adding "your mother is voting for Trump". It was a mic drop moment.

I'm the president of the United States of America

Donald Trump's relationship with the media has been fraught with tension and mutual antagonism. He popularized the term "fake news" to describe media coverage he perceived as unfair or inaccurate, targeting organizations like CNN, The New York Times, and The Washington Post. During a press conference, he was disrespected by a journ*list to which he replied "I'm the president of the United States, don't you ever talk to the president that way!"


In a nutshell, Donald Trump's time as the 45th President of the United States was anything but dull. From his love-hate relationship with the media to his Twitter storms that kept everyoneβ€”supporters and critics alikeβ€”on their toes, Trump managed to make politics a reality show that affected the whole world.

Trump is a mean man who says horrible things to people. Time will tell whether Trump will win the 2024 election.

We stand with πŸ‘‘ Queen KamalaπŸ‘‘

33 proudly stands with future president Harris.
There's room for three in Marsey's tree! :marseygivecoconut: :marseybiden:

I wanted to add a Marsey xcx but there isn't one afaik and I don't want to make one (someone plz?) :marseybegging:


!nooticers WithΒ fewer than 100 daysΒ until the 2024 election, social media users are claiming that a lack of Google autocomplete results about former President Donald Trump and hisΒ attempted assassinationΒ is evidence of election interference.

Many posts include screenshots showing what the autocomplete feature, which predicts what users are trying to type, has generated for text such as "attempted assassination of tr" or "president donald." Among the pictured results for the former phrase are references to other assassination attempts, including that of Harry Truman and Gerald Ford, but nothing for Trump. The latter provides two options --- "president donald duck" and "president donald regan."

Multiple high-profile figures, including Trump and sitting members of Congress, promoted the claim across social media platforms, collectively amassing more than 1 million likes and shares by Tuesday. Trump did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Google attributed the situation to existing protections against autocomplete predictions associated with political violence, noting that "no manual action was taken" to suppress information about Trump.

Search engine experts said there are many reasons that could explain why some autocomplete results concerning the former president were not appearing.

Here's a closer look at the facts.

CLAIM: Google is engaging in election interference by censoring autocomplete results about former President Donald Trump, including the assassination attempt at his Pennsylvania rally on July 13.

THE FACTS: It is true that Google's autocomplete feature as of Monday was not finishing certain phrases related to Trump and the assassination attempt as shown in screenshots spreading online, but there is no evidence it was related to election interference.

By Tuesday, some of the same terms were providing relevant autocomplete results. The text "president donald" now also suggests "Donald Trump" as a search option. Similarly, the phrase "attempted assassination of" includes Trump's name in autocomplete predictions. Adding "tr" to the same phrase though makes the option disappear.

Completed searches about Trump and the assassination attempt done on both Monday and Tuesday yielded extensive relevant results regardless of what autocomplete predictions came up.

Google told the AP that itsΒ autocomplete featureΒ has automated protections regarding violent topics, including for searches about theoretical assassination attempts. The company further explained that its systems were out of date even prior to July 13, meaning that the protections already in place couldn't take into account that an actual assassination attempt had occurred.

Additional autocomplete results now appearing about Trump are the result of systemic improvements --- rather than targeted manual fixes --- that will affect many other topics, according to the company.

"We're rolling out improvements to our Autocomplete systems to show more up-to-date predictions," Google told The Associated Press in a statement. "The issues are beginning to resolve, and we'll continue to make improvements as needed. As always, predictions change over time and there may be some imperfections. Autocomplete helps save people time, but they can always search for whatever they want, and we will continue to connect them with helpful information."

Search engine experts told the AP that they don't see evidence of suspicious activities on Google's part and that there are plenty of other reasons to explain why there have been a lack of autocomplete predictions about Trump.

"It's very plausible that there's nothing nefarious here, that it's other systems that are set up for neutral or good purposes that are causing these query suggestions to not show up," said Michael Ekstrand, an assistant professor at Drexel University who studies AI-powered information access systems. "I don't have a reason not to believe Google's claim that this is just normal systems for other purposes, particularly around political violence."

Thorsten Joachims, a professor at Cornell University who researches machine learning for search engines, explained that autocomplete cowtools typically work by looking at queries people make frequently over a certain period of time, providing the most frequent completions of those queries. Beyond that, a search engine may automatically prune predictions based on concerns such as safety and privacy.

This means that it's plausible that Google's autocomplete feature wouldn't have accounted for recent searches about the assassination attempt on Trump, especially if its systems indeed had not been updated since before the shooting.

"Depending on how big the window is that they're averaging over, that may simply not be a frequent query," Joachims said. "And it may not be a candidate for autocompletion." He added that it's typical not to update a search model on a daily basis, given the costs and technical risks involved.

AΒ 2020 Google blog postΒ about its autocomplete feature describes how the system reflects previous searches and why usersΒ might not seeΒ certain predictions, including those that are violent in nature. The post also explains that predictions may vary based on variables such as a user's location, the language they speak or rising interest in a topic.

Both Ekstrand and Joachims agreed that proving bias in a complex system like Google's search engine from the outside would be extremely difficult. It would require much more data than just a couple of searches, for example, and would risk setting off the company's protections against data scraping, reverse engineering and fraud.

"In general, claims that platforms are taking particular targeted actions against specific people on political bases are hard to substantiate," Ekstrand said. "They sometimes, I'm sure, happen, but there's so many other explanations that it's difficult to substantiate such claims."

Joachims noted that the demographics of Google's user base could impact the results of such a study if they skewed toward one side of the political aisle or another and therefore searched more for their preferred candidates. In other words, the way the system works would make it difficult to probe the system.

Technical issues aside, limiting autocomplete predictions as a method of political influence could simply be bad for business.

"Even if Google would like to do that, I think it would be a very bad decision because they could lose a lot of users," said Ricardo Baeza-Yates, a professor at Northeastern University whose research includes web search and information retrieval.

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Kitty Butt bitches

!nonchuds why is the !chuds nyttrans like this?>?

Presented without comment :marseylaugh:

Glennpai asks an interesting question

If the president is a vegetable who's commanding the military

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271 officially endorses Kamala Harris for President :marseykamala:

!everyone vote for Kamala or ban

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Those aren't tears, Fascist. They're urine.

More from the best of Keith:

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Check out my new tat.
Women's Group to Harris: Dump Shapiro Over S*x Case Failings

Choice paragraphs:

In a statement headlined "Gov. Shapiro's Failures Enabled Sexual Harassment," the National Women's Defense League said that the Harris vetting team should "consider the handling of past complaints of sexual harassment inside the Pennsylvania Governor's office." The group claims to be a nonpartisan organization dedicated to preventing sexual harassment.

Shapiro has come under fire for his administration's move last year to pay nearly $300,000 to settle a sexual harassment claim against one of his longtime aides. The deal involved a non-disclosure agreement.

"Governor Shapiro's office should have done a better job preventing sexual harassment happening in his own office by former cabinet secretary Mike Vereb, including protecting the survivor who bravely came forward, ensuring that any other potential survivors felt safe in speaking up, and ensuring the harasser didn't have the opportunity to do further harm after the complaint," Emma Davidson Tribbs, director of the National Women's Defense League said.

Shapiro has faced other ethics questions, too. He's been seen sitting courtside with a donor at a 76ers game and caught flack for accepting pricey tickets to numerous other sporting events, potentially violating his state's gift ban.

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