

Premature celebration, as usual.


Fast food workers are losing their jobs in California as new minimum wage law takes effect

Among the chains announcing cuts ahead of a $4 increase to the minimum wage in California are Pizza Hut and Round Table Pizza. The state's minimum wage will rise to $20 on April 1.

An earlier version of this story attributed the combined number of eliminated positions to a single company. The story has been updated to reflect some of the anticipated cuts at individual employers.

Fast food workers are losing their jobs in California as more restaurant chains prepare to meet a new $20 minimum wage set to go into effect next week.

Restaurants making cuts are mostly pizzerias, according to a report published by The Wall Street Journal. Multiple businesses have plans to axe hundreds of jobs, as well as cut back hours and freeze hiring, the report shows.

Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the Fast Act back in September to require fast food chains with 60 or more locations nationwide to meet that wage increase after labor unions fought for it alongside the healthcare industry, which will also see a boost to earnings in June.

"This is a big deal," Newsom said alongside union members in September. "That's 80% of the workforce."

Pizza Hut announced cuts to more than 1,200 delivery jobs in December, previous reporting by USA TODAY shows. Some Pizza Hut franchises in California also filed notices with the state saying they were discontinuing their delivery services entirely, according to Fox Business.

"Where select California franchisees have elected to make changes to their staffing approach, access to delivery service will continue to be available via Pizza Hut's mobile app, website and phone ordering and the customer ordering experience will remain consistent," a Pizza Hut spokesperson told USA TODAY Wednesday.

Excalibur Pizza, a franchisee of Round Table Pizza, has plans to cut 73 driver jobs in April, which amounts to 21% of its workforce, the company confirmed with USA TODAY Wednesday.

"The franchisee is transferring their delivery services to third-party. While it is unfortunate, we look at this as a transfer of jobs," a company rep told USA TODAY. "As you know, many California restaurant operators are following the same approach due to rising operating costs."

No exemptions, Newsom says

The legislation indicated that businesses that “feature ice cream, coffee, boba tea, pretzels, or donuts” could meet the definition of a “fast food restaurant covered by the law," according to The National Law Review's breakdown of the bill. The law could extend to similar businesses that provide things like sweets and drinks.

Greg Flynn, who has monopoly over Panera franchises in California, tried to get out of the state's new mandate earlier this year, according to Bloomberg, holding fast to a loophole that restaurants making in-house bread do not have to boost employee earnings.

Newsom's office called the claim "absurd," telling the Los Angeles Times that the restaurant chain would see no such exemption.

Chipotle's CFO told Yahoo Finance that the company will be forced to increase their prices to comply with the minimum wage increase.

A Starbucks spokesperson shared a statement with USA TODAY on Thursday saying the company will "continue to make improvements to their partners' experience and compensation.”

Combined with benefits, Starbucks' current comprehensive compensation package for all U.S. hourly partners totals an average of $30 per hour.

“We believe that success is best when it is shared and this extends to our partners at all levels in California," the spokesperson shared.

The coffee chain recently closed seven of its stores in the state of California, USA TODAY previously reported.

!chuds !neolibs


Palestinian lives matter less too fbi agents


I wanna be a janny

I wonder if theyll go after the people who put it there?

Wheelchair user, Oakland-born, 102-year-old, Victor Silva, Sr. often finds graffiti painted onto the back fence of his Oakland home. He has lived here and paid taxes for 80 years.

Earlier this month, he got a violation citation from the City of Oakland to remove it by Tuesday the 19th or face an $1100 fine, plus an additional $1277 for each failed re-inspection.

Rightoid is fired for civilly expressing her political opinions
In battle for Istanbul, city election could decide a country's future – POLITICO
Polish leader urges Europe to invest in defense spending | Fox News
FBI coming for dramanaughts

"oi u gotta loicense fer tat meme"

I'm David Burnell, Portland City Council Candidate. AMA : Portland

A motion proposed by the right-wing Alternative for Germany to give asylum seekers payment cards instead of cash in the state of Saxony passed by a single vote after a left-wing lawmaker went for "a joint" and missed the vote.

The move was debated by the Dresden city council on Friday, with anti-mass migration councilors calling on the city to switch to topped-up cards to prevent asylum seekers from spending taxpayer-funded cash benefits in the black market on drugs and prostitution.

After many hours of debate, and ahead of the vote at 6 p.m., left-wing councilor Max Aschenbach announced on his X account that he was "going for a joint" and subsequently missed the crucial vote.

Around 15 minutes later, he returned to the chamber and posted: "Just came back up and everyone is bullying me because the stupid AfD payment card application was passed with the votes of the CDU and FDP."

The motion succeeded by a single vote with 53 in favor to 52 against.

An inquest is now underway among the co-governing FDP party and the opposition CDU as to why local lawmakers voted in solidarity with the AfD motion, with the long-standing practice being that Germany's mainstream parties do not support AfD motions.

CDU leader Freidrich Merz said the decision to support the motion was "correct in substance but unacceptable in procedure."

"That was a mistake. And we will talk to those affected about everything else," he added.

The topic of migrant payment cards has made national headlines in recent weeks as Germany attempts to clamp down on the misuse of taxpayer-funded benefits and lessen the pull factors for the latest influx of new arrivals into the country.

Last month, the Free Democrats (FDP) even warned that they could pull out of the three-way left-liberal government if the Green party blocked a new rule mandating benefit cards instead of cash payments to migrants.

Local municipalities across the country have already introduced laws stipulating that benefits must be paid via payment cards instead of cash, but this contravenes existing federal law, namely the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act, which states that migrants should receive payments "primarily as a cash benefit."

Plans to amend the law to move towards a cashless system are underway to ensure that funds stay off the black market and remain in the country, preventing migrants from sending cash back home and taking it out of the German economy.

!chuds :marseyjoint: dude weed lmao


:soysnooseethe: :soysnooseethe: :soysnooseethe: :soysnooseethe: :soysnooseethe: :soysnootypefast: :soysnootypefast: :soysnootypefast: :soysnootypefast: :soysnootypefast:

Democratic strategist James Carville argued "too many preachy females" in the Democratic Party could be to blame for President Biden's bleeding support from key voters.

In an interview published Saturday with New York Times opinion columnist Maureen Dowd, Carville voiced concerns about the culture of the Democratic Party and how it could be impacting Biden's support among voters, especially those that are male.

"A suspicion of mine is that there are too many preachy females ... 'Don't drink beer, don't watch football, don't eat hamburgers, this is not good for you,'" he said. "The message is too feminine: 'Everything you're doing is destroying the planet. You've got to eat your peas.'"

Carville, who was a strategist for former President Clinton's 1992 presidential campaign, argued this culture and rhetoric is not addressing the concerns of male voters.

"If you listen to Democratic elites --- NPR is my go-to place for that --- the whole talk is about how women, and women of color, are going to decide this election. I'm like: 'Well, 48 percent of the people that vote are males. Do you mind if they have some consideration?" Carville said.

When it comes to Biden's low approval ratings, Carville quipped, "When I look at these polling numbers, it's like walking in on your grandma naked. You can't get the image out of your mind."

Carville in recent weeks has also expressed concerns about Biden's falling support among voters of color and called it a "problem" for the incumbent last week.

According to a Gallup poll released last month, Democrats' lead as Black Americans' party of preference has fallen 20 points in the past three years, while their lead among Latinx adults is at its lowest point since 2011. A CBS News poll from last month showed Biden's support among Black voters was down from 87 percent in 2020 to 76 percent this year.

Despite his worries about the president's campaign, Carville noted he "actually likes Biden."

"He's a tenacious guy that's had a real life. He's a state school guy. He doesn't have an iota of elitism. He doesn't even know what 'woke' is. He's been demonstrably the best president that Black America's ever had, Clinton and Obama included," he said. "You look at incomes, employment, poverty rates, access to health care. It's not where whites are, but it's closer than it's ever been."

The Biden campaign is ramping up efforts to reach voters of color, and last week, it launched ads of Biden directly speaking to Black voters in battleground states. The campaign argued another term for former President Trump would be a "disaster" for the demographic.

The campaign later announced a program to engage Latinx voters, whom Biden called "the reason why, in large part," he beat Trump in 2020 while fundraising in Arizona last week.

The Hill reached out to the Biden campaign for further comment.

Carville turning into a !chuds :marseypearlclutch:

Democrat Senate frontrunner embraces his party's heritage
/pol/ - Why are you right winged instead of communist - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

!jannies rightoid drama! Do I get a cookie?

Oakland's new police chief is Floyd Mitchell : oakland
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