:marseysalty: :marseysaltlicking: :marseyflakes: Post salt here :marseylickinglips: :marseylickinglips: :marseylickinglips:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17216132439073985.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1721613243996979.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17216132440704536.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17216132441356413.webp

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There's a lot of good coping on fatricks twitter


Lol trump very well could end humanity, and all pocs should make emergency exit plans:


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Hope for the survival of humanity hangs now by a thread.

When the history of this day is remembered, if indeed anyone remains to study it

This neighbor needs professional help. He should unironically get therapy

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1721613308860061.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17216133089174128.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17216133089674354.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17216133090332413.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17216133091234503.webp

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What fricking legacy lmao I paid almost 5 bucks for a loaf of bread today

Get fricked cute twink

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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Biden is the best they've got :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd:

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He actually is. Dems are full blown r-slurred.

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straight ticket win for Trump

:marseyletsf#uckinggo2: :carple#tsfuckinggo: :marseytrumpfistpum#p: :marseyletsfuckinggo!#2: :carplets#fuckinggo!:

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didn't you win a bet over this?

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I did! Also an unfortunate :marseybeanpensive: turn of events, I wasn't able to get pictures of the mutts :marseyamericanpearlclutch: today :marseyclueless: :( my phone :marseygossipunsure: camera :marseyneat: decided it was going :marseysal3: to shit itself

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I know I'm sorry :marseyqueencrown: :marseysob:

I just hope it fixes itself before :marseyskellington: bussy :marseybigdog: and I go on our trip

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lmao :marseyqueencrown:


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:#marseygraspat: and its EVERYTHING

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Lmao what a cute twink

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lol what? if it don't and has never existed then wtf is he so worried about?

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Getting called out by strangers online :marseybluecheck:

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Democracy is when we have sham primaries and rich people forcing candidates out so nobody knows who theyre voting for or why all that matters is party policy

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Bernie can still win.


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https://media.giphy.com/media/3oz8xZvvOZRmKay4xy/giphy.webp how r-slurred are these people


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I know you grew up poor and couldnt afford name brand cereal but in this house

We use turt and thats the tea, sis



And marsey

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Zombie, platy manul, dear Lord how many of these are there??? Its like your squishmallow collection @LilMarseyontheprairie

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For the last time, those aren't mine, those are an investment for the baby


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i feel like :#marseyhmmhips:

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stop exposing me says the female

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But its not a marsey cute twink *sips tea*

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The funny thing is, they will smear you with this no matter how moderate you go. Look up here in leafland, you have someone who is explicitly pro-choice who has a gay dad still being smeared as "le ebil fascist"

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I wonder if destiny is going to kill himself.

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bro he makes 7 figures Im sure he will be fine

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>Trump wins election

>Trump unilaterally pushes through legislation to put political streamers in camps.

>Destiny wishes he was cleaning carpets again lmao no hes addicted to being a white trash butthole with money and simps stroking his ego.

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>they did it in 2016


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Is this really the right place to post this? Is this how you spend your Saturdays? If so, I'm not at all surprised.

I can't believe normal users have to explain the rules to a moderator of a subreddit of 800k+, you'd think of all the redditors here, we'd have some decent moderation. Thank GOD, that /r/SubredditDrama has a userbase that is capable of policing themselves.

This has nothing to do with SRD, consider posting your inane, unfunny "meme" posts somewhere else.

Anyone else feel that this guy keeps overstepping his bounds?

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