Ocasio-Cortez condemns Israel over pager attacks in Lebanon : politics

/r/lebanin banned me because they're cute twinks who think it's not gay because trans women are women. They're wrong and gay.


Thread theme:


Proceeds to get clowned by every rightoid smugposter on the block:

And of course a few armchair political observers devastated by the culture war:

:marseychud: People who aren't Democrats, understand that this is a Parady Account, not associated with Elon Musk. Democrats don't understand that, because they are morons.

Now a comp of quote tweets, in no particular order: >Leave my candidaterino alone ! :soycry:

Our dearest south-east asian macaque comes to add his scoop to the pile:

:asianchud: 292,000 likes for this self-own.

Anyway, besides a couple of level-headed takes about how the frick do you bulletproof a school, it's mostly a bunch of chuds huffing their own farts anymore. A day ending in -y in the culture war front.


Jews don't count in San Francisco.

Redditards don't understand anything :marseycoleporter: and deserve to be r*ped by ms-13

Paola Connelly is a non-violent, marijuana smoking gunowner. El Paso police came to her house in response to a "shots fired" call. When they arrived, they saw John, Paola's husband, standing at their neighbor's door firing a shotgun. After arresting him, they spoke with Paola, who indicated that she would at times smoke marijuana as a sleep aid and for anxiety. A sweep revealed that the Connellys' home contained drug paraphernalia and several firearms, including firearms owned by Paola. There was no indication that Paola was intoxicated at the time.

Paola was charged with violating: (1) 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(3) by possessing firearms and ammunition as an unlawful user of a controlled substance, and (2) 18 U.S.C. § 922(d)(3) by providing firearms and ammunition to an unlawful user of a controlled substance. Paola argued in a motion to dismiss, and the District Court ultimately agreed, that §§ 922(g)(3) and 922(d)(3) were facially unconstitutional and that § 922(g)(3) was unconstitutional as applied to her under the Second Amendment.

This appeal asks us to consider whether Paola's Second Amendment rights were infringed, and the answer depends on whether § 922(g)(3) is consistent with our history and tradition of firearms regulation. The short of it is that our history and tradition may support some limits on a presently intoxicated person's right to carry a weapon (and for that reason Paola's facial challenges to §§ 922(g)(3) and 922(d)(3) fail), but they do not support disarming a sober person based solely on past substance usage. Nor, contrary to what the government contends, do restrictions on the mentally ill or more generalized traditions of disarming "dangerous" persons apply to nonviolent, occasional drug users when of sound mind. We AFFIRM as to Paola's as-applied challenge and REVERSE as to her facial challenges.

Reported by:
  • BimothyX2 : Unfunny, uninteresting and unrelated to drama
:!chadwomanasian: triggers :!marseygroomer2:with her opinion on :!marseygun:control

Lol did you all know this happened?

Also do we use /h/pol or /h/politics as our main political hol?



RAKE THE LEAVES :marseyrake#:



The former chief of staff of a California state senator who recently left the Democratic Party to become a Republican filed a lawsuit against her on Thursday alleging that she sexually harassed him, created a hostile workplace and fired him in retaliation for rejecting her sexual advances.

The lawsuit, filed in the Sacramento County Superior Court, claims that for much of 2023, state Sen. Marie Alvarado-Gil (R-Jackson) "engaged in erratic, controlling, sexually dominating abuse of authority and power" against her chief of staff, Chad Condit.


The lawsuit alleges that early in her tenure, Alvarado-Gil began "grooming plaintiff and sharing personal and intimate details" of her life, including her dating life, divorces and marital infidelity. Alvarado-Gil openly talked about "her vices," according to the complaint, "which included s*x and using the drug, ayahuasca, and taking gummies."

According to the complaint, Alvarado-Gil consistently made inappropriate and sexually suggestive comments to Condit, and used her position to exert dominance and power over him. In March 2023, for example, Alvarado-Gil allegedly asked Condit his opinion about "throuples," and whether he and his wife would be open to one.


The sexually explicit comments eventually turned physical, according to the complaint.

At one point during a work trip to Inyo County, Chad Condit alleged, Alvarado-Gil demanded he show his allegiance to her "by having him go down on her." Condit and Alvarado-Gil were driving, according to the lawsuit, and pulled over to use the restroom. After Condit returned to the car, "she had her pants pulled down and said, 'I want you to kiss it and prove your loyalty.'"

"After months of creating a dominant-submissive relationship, plaintiff was numbed and acted without thinking and it went from there with Alvarado-Gil establishing her ability to dominate him," the lawsuit states.


Condit allegedly performed the sexual act on several occasions, the complaint includes.

"During the last occasion where plaintiff performed oral s*x as demanded by Alvarado-Gil, Plaintiff suffered a back injury while performing in a car seat with his body having to twist and contort in the confined space of the car," according to the lawsuit. "Plaintiff later went to the doctor and discovered that the injury was more severe, and that plaintiff had suffered three herniated discs in his back and a collapsed hip."

Condit later underwent hip surgery for his injuries.


Scrotes are so weak these days, smh

:marseyelonmusk: comes out as a gun-nut :marseydukenukem:

>why would a guy from South Africa do this? :marseyhmmm:

Print and post all over your neighborhoods if you want! : philly

Black Student Union withdraws from the Tahrir Coalition : uofm
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